Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, January 18, 2010

Songs of my life: A special look

I'm back, hope everyone's doing well with your life! Guys, there are some things in life that once acquired, stick to you forever! Call them indispensable assets, if you will. Now, one of these would be music! Especially in our globalized world today, music has definitely become part and parcel of one's physical and mental being and just brings out so much more significance in a person's character.

To simplify things, let's just say the type of music you listen to in some ways be it big or small influence the type of person you are. Let's look into some genres, say many Americans are very into hip hop and rap music, and what does this kind of music revolve around? Sex. Sex. And more Sex. That is why, the American culture is so open and sex is just part of the norm! Then we have Asians, whereby majority of the music circulates around love ballads, or more specifically "breakup" songs. Adding to this generic theme is the even more generic song structures. This leads to the traditional Asian being conservative and tame. So now you see my point.

That is why today I will be bringing you some of my favourite songs, and slowly but surely through these songs I will reveal to you what Labmunstyr is all about! Unless, if you're a psychologist, you would be able to analyse and see through the myriad that is yours truly easily =)


1) 黑色毛衣/ Black Sweater by Jay Chou

This is my absolute favourite Mandopop song. It was probably this song and the album "November's Chopin" than truly got me into music. Having said that, I believe it is my "most listened" song ever, think I have played it over 3000 times or more... Why do I love this song so much? Well, I guess it's the super relaxing vibe it exudes. The vocals, rhythm, instruments and structure just blends together so perfectly to create this R&B masterpiece. But perhaps the most influential factor is the fact that it is my "Sleep song". Yes, it's my bedtime lullaby and never fails to put me in a sleepy mood when its played. Kudos to Jay Chou for creating this classic!

蒲公英的约定/ Dandelion's Promise by Jay Chou
Yes! Another one by Mr. Jay himself! (fave Mandopop artist, btw) Ok, I'm not gonna say much, but my dogpound would know why this ballad is one of the songs that revolve around my life.

3) Bedshaped by Keane
It's for the same reasons as above, so I ain't gonna reveal much. However, I'd like to talk bout' the song itself. What a wonderful song! It is the epitomy of Romance! I know Keane didn't write this as a love song, but to me it is one. The first time I heard this one was during some radio airplay at anchorpoint I think, and the intro piano riff just clung onto my mind, as it was justttt so...so...so...sexy...romantic...and perfectly fitted as a "theme song" for what was happening during that point of my life. Wow.

*These songs next are for the same event

4) 如果我變成回憶/ If I became a memory by Tank
The title just sums it all up about why it was so significant in my life. It is one of the most recent song to join my "Songs of my life" club...ya so lame. Basically, it's a song about the consequences of letting yourself disappear forever from a loved one's life and you in turn become just a memory in his or her life. Very very sad.

5) Eye in the sky by The Alan Parsons Project
The actual content of the song has negligible representation as to what occured in that period of my life, but it is one of those songs that you just kept listening to at that point such that it ingrains itself as part of the memory of that particular event. The result? When I play this song, it reminds me of that event. That is its only purpose. But hell, for those living under a rock, this song is one of the popular songs ever, IMO on par with Eagles' "Hotel California", so if you hadn't hear it, do yourself a favor, hear it ASAP!!!

6) Plug in baby by Muse
Gives me the same effect as EITS, so, ya. Contains a very famous and needless to say, melodic intro riff, it must be said.


I know I said non metal, but I just had to include this one. Strictly speaking, it's a metal ballad, so if you asked me, I think you shouldn't click the X now. At least not for this song. Even few of my anti metal buddies said the metal song was beautiful! So come on man!

7) Fade to Black by Metallica
Let's see. My no. 1 Metallica song. Beautiful instrumentals. Dark, melancholic, depressive atmosphere. Countless, beautiful, epic riffs. This was the song that connected with me through my darkest times and made me realise I could not live without music. Now, I don't listen to it as much, but I know I can still count on "Fade" to sympathise with me when I'm down.

So after all that, hopefully you'd have a better insight as to what kind of person I am, although I know I probably didn't reveal much, but srsly, did know really believe I was going to post my whole live on a public blog? Please. Hehe.

To sidetrack; today was DAY 1 of my "ST 63" (read previous entries) and everything is going brilliantly. Ate pretty clean, controlled calories and sweated A LOT. That basketball game, phew!

More interesting stuff will come soon I promise! (Hopefully) ...And I'm gonna end my post here, take care everyone.

QOTD: Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.


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