Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Wobbly Bobbly Syndrome

Hi guys, welcome to another addition of Kvlt/Trve blog post Volume 1.0, providing you with the most random stuffs to read about!

Let's see, tonight, I shall post about Interval running & how it directly results in Fat Loss. This post was inspired by a friend of mine, and was in conjunction with the Weight loss posts I was trying to complete, so I thought, why not?

Again, I will try to the best of my abilities to dispel some common myths about Fat loss.

Myth #1: Spot Reduction
I've said it before, and I say it again. There is no way to spot reduce! We see people asking all the time, "How to lose belly fat?" or "How to lose my fatty cheeks?" or "How to slim my legs?" and frankly it's becoming really annoying and nonsensical. The fact is, when you do your cardiovascular exercises, you are burning your fats proportionately. It's an overall process, so putting in simply, when you cut, you burn fat from every possible body part simultaneously.

Myth #2: I will only start burning fats after "xxx" amount of time.
As far as I know, this is natural fallacy that people tend to believe. Yes, it seems logical, but it is not true. I'm not completely sure of the explanation, as I'm not a certified trainer or "burning fats 101" dictionary, so if you really want in depth explanation, google is your friend. For now, just knowing that statement is false will do.

Ok so now that we've cleared the common misconceptions about Fat loss, let's get straight into, how do we actually lose the fats then? The answer for me is, doing interval running. Sure, I know there might be other ways to lose fat, but from gathered information after months of intensive studies, most athletes do believe that interval training is the best way to not just burn fats in the shortest amount of time, but also in body conditioning. In layman's terms, it means that if you just keep doing interval training for your aerobic part of your workout, you will remain in tip top condition for the rest of your life! (that is, if you succeed in the other aspects of a healthy lifestyle too.)

Which begs the question: What exactly is interval running? It is actually a form of aerobic exercise involving short sprints combined with steady jogs. For example, consider 400m distance. Normally you'd run through 400m with a steady pace right? For this, you will do intervals instead, meaning you do a steady, consistent pace for, say, 300m and increase speed for the remaining 100m. This will be considered a single set, and doing around 5-6 sets, for example, would complete your interval training.


How does interval training work? Basically, two things. Excess post oxygen consumption (EPOC) and hormonial response. Again, I'm not qualified enough to provide a accurate explanation, so do a search if you're interested, ya?

Personally, I am doing what is known as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Now, this is some crazy shit right here, and recommended for seasoned runners only. Let's just say I've been doing it for half a year frequently and it still hurts as much as it did when I started. For more details, don't hesitate to contact me anytime!

Pros of interval training:
1) Fastest way to burn fats
2) Perfect for conditioning
3) Require less than 20min
4) Feels shiok after completing!

1) Hurts a lot, both mentally and physically!
2) Not suitable for unseasoned runners
3) Really, really hurts a lot!!
4) Could vomit after a session
5) Hurts a lot!!!
6) Did I mention it hurts a lot?

It's 1.34am now and I'm pretty tired. Can't think straight now...serves me right for blogging so late. I admit, this is a pretty crappy post so I shall not let it degenerate any further and put a full stop here --> .

Hoped I helped!

Oh yea, this is just for motivation. Whenever you feel exhausted midway through the run, tell yourself, why? Why are you putting yourself through this pain and torture? Take it all into your stride. Channel all your anger and focus it on completely your workout! Discipline yourself! It's all about controlled insanity! Come on! Your have 168 hours in a week and you're only taking 3 per week to maintain your fitness so shut the F*** up! Damn it! Be a man! If you want to do it, give it 100% if not don't do at all! Push yourself! It's all or nothing! ENDURE!!! Don't be a pussy, BITE THE PAIN, SUCK IT UP!

QOTD: Pain is weakness leaving the body.



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