Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stalling and Recuperation

This is day one of "Stalling and Recuperation". 

Until 6 days later, I will be in a 'hibernating mode', doing minimum exercise, and eating a lot. 

I do not want this, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I am powerless to do anything.

Guys, take this time to catch up to me. Train as much as possible. For I know I am going into a deep slumber. And my fitness will drop ten folds. This is your chance, this six days, for you to overtake me. So train hard. 

But when the 6th day ends, I will rage. I will re-start my training. I will go back to where I left off. 

I succumb to this 'illness' that is Istana/MPEU life right now, but fret not, soon, things will turn back to normal. 

...I will be back. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

Widening The Gap.

That's it. I had enough of all the bullshit that is coming out of Facebook. Thank you, all of you, for providing me with the motivation and desire to continue running and continue to become the 'superior athlete'. It never fails, every single day, when I go 're-fuel' in FB. Re-fueled by your happiness. Your sadness. Your anger. Your fears. Your every emotions. All your happy photos, your lovey-dovey photos, they only act as a source of motivation for me. It will only make me want to train harder. Train MUCH harder. To become better than all of you. But I can only do that, if you constantly show me, show me your success. Show me your happiness. SHOW ME, FEED ME! 

You people are the reason why I keep on busting my ass off day in day out to improve. And I must add, I wasn't born with the ability to feed on other's success. It took a hell of a journey. It took me days, weeks, months even years to get used to them.

To suck it up, no matter how bitter or how jealous I was.

To hold back my tears when I wanted to cry so badly.

To keep silent when I wanted to scream and shout.

Eventually, I have molded my mentality, my physicality, to become tough. Now, I will still feel the pain and jealousy when I look at you guy's having the time ouf your lifes. But it only lasts for that mere seconds, before it turns to fuel. Turns to motivation. That's how it works, and I have told myself this: "I will not be fazed by anything, anymore." 

So that is why, I am going to say this, with all of the belief and confidence that I am going to become much, much more fit. I am going to train MUCH harder, as I already said. You think I have improved? You guys ain't see nothing yet. I am not boasting or throwing down the gauntlet or whatever, but this is truly what I am going to do. 

I'm never going to be the best. There will always be someone better than me. And I want that, cos' only then will I seek to improve. I have done TWO achievements in my life, one, losing 22kg, and two, running ~9:30 for 2.4km. All I can say is, this is NOTHING. From now onwards, all the way to Dec 5 2010, I am going to work towards my goal. The next accomplishment in my life WILL be a FULL 42.195k MARATHON, and I will complete it in a timing that, will, the very least, own all my social circle, by a mile. 

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Comparing Standards.

My free time is getting less and less as time passes... But it is only the the next week. Practically will be eaten up by commitments in the Army, so I won't really 'see the light' until a few weeks later, so to speak. Damn schedule...

30-duty, 31-COG rhsl, 1-CPFA+off, 2-duty, 3-COG rhsl, 4-duty, 5-COG actual. Ho ho ho..I'm in for some real shit. 

I'm ok with that...just that I might be guaranteed to miss out on COMEX fair =.=. I need to get some earphones there, but with the schedule, I don't think I'll even have time. 

Today will be going for a 10k training run with the NPCC guys...it's been a long time. I've been training hard. So let's see if my fitness is up with theirs. 

I've done part of this route before...so it should be quite familiar. I hope they go fast, as I want to see a good timing for my 10k. But my biggest fear would be that the pain in my left foot acts up. It's been there for a few days liao. And as much as I hate to admit it, it's due to the 24k run. Anyway, hope this run doesn't worsen it, if not I'd be putting my training plans to jeopardy. 

Alright, time to go! I don't know when I'll post back!


Good run. The pace was moderate, but somehow I felt very energized after the workout. I am definitely able to keep up with their pace. We did around 9k, although I timed, I feel it's not relevant as we stopped too many times during the run. Overall, a very enjoyable run. Ended with a nice upslope 'speed training'. 

Yea, though I'm pretty satisfied I can pace with them, somehow, deep down what I really want is to run much faster than them. To break away from the herd, and become uncatchable. =)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Pre-Marathon Training: Out Camp Run

Added another 10k to my training today. This time it was the compulsory 10k out camp run for the whole MP command at WCP. As expected, 10k was 2 rounds around the park. I don't care bout' others, but since I am living this type of lifestyle now, any runs organised would only benefit me. 

Wow, there are a few experienced runners in MP. Their pace was quite blistering man, I couldn't catch up. Even our own CO is extremely fit, more impressively so for his age. I had a hard time trying to catch up to him and sadly to say, I couldn't. I don't know how he does it man! I managed to clock 52 minutes which is pretty slow still. This is not good enough for a race. So I got to train much harder to improve, that is a sure thing. 

Istana life is going to suck soon...a lot of internal changes and implementations due to the drowning discipline and attitudes of the personnels involved are going to happen. As the newly posted in guys, we can't have a say in anything, since we are punished 'as a platoon'. You can't imagine how moody I feel now...and it might get worst, so I should be prepared for the worst. 

Time to book in soon OH SHUCKS. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Serious Training Commences.

Counting down to SCSM...99 days. Oh yea, I am glad to say that I'm almost guaranteed to run SCSM this year! It took me some time and nerves to secure a deal with a slot seller, but in the end the transaction was done! So hopefully nothing goes wrong, and I will actually be able to complete a full marathon this year...! However, the worst that could happen is that I might kena shift/COG/ or whatever and have to be recalled, that would be F***ed up to the MAX. I don't want to think about it now. 

Still feeling the pain and aches from my hellacious 24 km run a few days ago. Some people might be right in saying I'm jumping too far from 15 to 24, but srsly, it's my life, my body and no matter what they say, only I know my body and my capabilities BEST and I will not succumb to feed their egos. 

Tomorrow is quite special, the whole MPEU is going for out camp run! So the venue is already confirmed -- West Coast Park. Awesome la, so bloody near my house haha. I hope I can recover till' around 70% so that I can enjoy the run tml. Since the exterior of WCP is only 5k, I'm guessing they will do 2 rounds for 10k. Or could they come up with more interesting routes? I don't think so, we will see tml. 

Ha...yea, since now I already regard myself as 'participating in SCSM', I am going to focus on a real, scheduled pre-marathon training already. I'm definitely going to have to incorporate speed, LSD, strength training etc instead of doing Long-d all the time. The most important thing for me is the timing. I have an aim in mind.

Yea, the people will say, "Hey, it's only your first marathon, just aim to finish it! That is good enough." But 'good enough' isn't good enough for me. Yea, first marathon and all, but to me, it's pathetic to even join a marathon if you don't look to complete within a respectable timing. 

I hope for a sub-four hours timing, but after calculations, I realised I'd have to run nearly at 2.4 pace which is impossible?! So the proper training is very very essential right now. 

Up there, help me please. Don't let any camp stuff or Istana duty clash with my personal goals. THANK YOU! The countdown has begun...Let's start training~!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pre-Marathon Training: 13 Miles. *Updated*

First and foremost, I can't keep my composure straight now cos' SOMEBODY IS SELLING SCSM SLOT BUT I DON'T KNOW WHETHER TO HOOT IT COS' I NEED MY FRIEND'S ADVICE, BUT HE'S UNCONTACTABLE DAMN IT. This slot will be taken up very soon if I don't act fast it's bugging me the whole time! 

But that aside, let's focus on the main event for today. 

13 miles. 21 km. Half Marathon. Whatever you want to call it. Like I always say, I don't like to give these long-d runs more hype than they already have, cos' the more I do this, the harder it will be to overcome them. It's 21k, it is not very tough but it won't be that easy either. I think my route should have more than enough water points. Check. Easy navigation? I would say quite manageable for me; I'd really kill myself this time if I hor lan again. NO MORE EXPRESSWAYS! Looking out, the whether is good also, hopefully it doesn't rain again like yesterday evening. I'm gonna start at around 1pm, and should end around 4+. Here's the route.

Ok, time to get ready and warmed up. I've not sweated much for four days already, so today should level things up. Can I do it, can I finally said that I've reached half-marathon distance? We'll find out when I get back. 


I guess I don't know what to say now. Throughout the 5 hours I experienced a euphoria of emotions that I can never aptly describe to you. I swear, this is the TOUGHEST run I've ever gone through. I dug deep inside to grine through this journey. I've finally FELT for myself the struggles and pain that marathoners go through. Throughout the run, I experienced stitches, cramps, leg pain, rashes, fatigue and even ran the wrong way. My body hit the wall. I stopped countless times. I walked countless times. For the later part of my run I was just walking/jogging at a snail's pace. BUT I was motivated. Motivated by everything, everyone around me. I saw the nature. I saw people. Once, at around 13k, I saw this old lady, hunched back, slowly and painfully, carrying a load of garbage which I concluded she was going to sell for money, walked by me while I was at the midst of GIVING UP due to my cramp. It motivated me. I could not stop. I could not give up. Even if I have to walk back, I must finish this. It could have been another "OH FK I STOPPED HALFWAY DUE TO BLAH BLAH" post but NO. This time it was different. I pushed through my physical capabilities. I was slow, but I never stopped. I never gave up. In the end, I made it back home. To sum it all up, my efforts had not gone to vain. I did the half marathon distance AND MORE. 24 km in total, that's what I ran. 


Never has freedom felt so sweet...for a LONG time.


I am tired and moody, but I can say that I've finally gone through THREE consecutive duties and made it back. Phew. YEA...

The feeling of having to stay in feels so shite. And it definitely feels shiok now that I'm home and best thing is I don't have to BOOK IN tomorrow HA. 

Yes, I am still looking forward to my run + movie tomorrow!! Sometimes, it is good to have a target, or a reward ahead so that you'd keep your focus, and in my case, my sanity in tact. It really helped standing there when I thought of what I was going to enjoy after my mounting. Kept me alive man! 

Srsly, 6 shifts straight is no joke. So far I'm the only one who has tanked 6 shifts straight in my batch, so I feel pretty banged up. But nevertheless, I felt that I've gone past the initial phase (finally) of Istana duties and my body is slowly adjusting to adapt to the schedules. Next phase is to tank Open House, but that's for another day. During my shifts, I was lucky enough to get good detailing. If not, I'd be more shag than I currently am. On my last shift, which was just now, I was FREAKING lucky. Due to the downpour, we did not have to stand outside, instead we could relax inside the sentry box for the whole 1.5hrs. This time, it's really THANK GOD LOL. It was the best way I could ask for, to end the 3 days of duties. 

Tomorrow I shall go for Roti Prata in the morning. Then, it WILL be the big one. The half marathon. I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care. I am doing it for sure, COMPLETING it for sure, unless of the weather. And only the weather. I will do up the route tomorrow. 

For now...it's time to rest. 

Friday, August 20, 2010

10.5 hours to Happiness

3 days. 2 weekends. 1 consecutive schedule. 

You have no idea how 'emo' I'm feeling right now. Even the whole atmosphere around me is gloomy. My room lights just died on me today, and now the room is almost pitch black except for the depressing orange light that is emitting from my table lamp. What a sad picture. I can't help it but feel extremely stressed out about having to mount 3 days straight. It just sucks man! Yes, one part of it is due to the standing itself. But the more terrible thing is, I can't book out for 3 days! It's like weekend confinement or something, you know? Like the Istana 'Lao jiaos' always like to say, "I'm sad~". 

Taking this time to surf the net...chill, before I have to book in. Will probably only see my beloved laptop on MONDAY night. Oh the agony! Laptop; I will miss you. 

BARGHHH!!!! Deep down I'm screaming, but nobody hears me. Stop reading if this is too emotional for you...but I need to release my feelings on this blog if not I'll feel even more shite than I already am...

How I wish I can fall sick now and don't have to go for duty...but it won't happen. 

So guys, don't call me for the next few days, I won't be free. Will be 'trapped' inside Istana ha - ha- ha...=/

3 days...6 shifts...3x2hours...3x1.5hours...total 10.5 hours of pure STANDING...before I can finally take a break. I don't care liao, next Tuesday I will confirm take off, Wednesday also. 


Until then....

Until the light takes me. . . . .

QOTD: I'd rather you stress over your A levels for this two years, than have to stress over it for the rest of your adulthood when you do badly. 

                                                                                                                                                    -My inner voice; from experience. 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Until The Light Takes Us.

I am so dreading the day I have to start my THREE-day consectutive shift. Which starts tomorrow night. Haix. 

Today was supposed to do something I've never tired before; but heck, I just happened to realise that I was seriously lacking in my running schedule and if I didn't do a run either today or tomorrow, my fitness will definitely drop. So against all reluctance (and I my mind was really fixed on going to watch the film), I made the decision to go for the run instead.

I think I made the right decision. 

But as I said, I was going to 'Blackhole 212' to catching the screening of a recently released Black Metal documentary called 'Until the light takes us'. Although I've watched it before, I wanted to experience going to a gathering and watching it together with the metal community. This is something I've always wanted to do but never have had to guts to, and I was really looking forward to it. It's almost like going to a live gig. But oh well, I had to prioritize my time so I cancelled the plan last minute. Just to run! 

But I say again, it's worth it. I did around 10k, didn't really count but it's somewhere around there. This time I tried to up the pace so that I can improve my timing. It's more tiring, but I'm glad it did it. After my lung bursting efforts, I slowed down end my run. As I looked up at my top left angle, I saw this huge sparkling bright lights from the lamppost that just covered the whole stadium. In my mind, I knew it. Even though I didn't catch 'Until the light takes us', I already got something better. I saw the light. It was as if higher powers were telling me; "Look, you made the right decision to run. You sacrificed you leisure time for this, but it will all work out for you in the end." It was that symbolic to me. 

Oh btw something really funny/stupid/unexpected happened on my way home. As I was on the bus, this dumb bangala behind me asked me if the bus was going to Boon Lay. And I said, no, he's got to alight and take bus "30". So him, blur as fuck, went down the bus on the next stop, presumably going to follow that I told him. Moments later, I realised something! THE BUS WE WERE TAKING WAS BUS "30"!!!! You know why this happened? Cos' I am so very used to the fact that my bus was "51" or "143", as I rarely took "30" to go home. So me being blur also, just freaking slaughtered the dumb bangala and wasted his time and money LOL! But deep down I knew, this just shows that I'm a jinx to bagalas and quietly inside I was LMAO as I had actually inadvertently tricked that dumb ass! If you haven't already know, I HATE bangalas, period. So it was a really funny encounter. Yea, shoot me for being to racist and whatnot, I don't care =P.

Tomorrow is another Istana cohesion! SO LOOKING FORWARD! *Sarcasm*

QOTD: Eat like a MONSTER, Train like a MONSTER.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Working with limited time

~Rushing, rushing! 

---One more hour left to leave house---

Yea, I gotta leave real soon, and not looking forward to it! Tomorrow gotta mount again. Makes me wonder sometimes, will I deeply cherish and utilize my time wisely only if I'm running on limited time? Seems like I'm much more efficient in whatever I'm doing now. 

Some may think it's troublesome to book out at 5+ then book in again at 10+, but after careful calculations, I always think the few hours that I will have, however little it may seem, is just that important. During these few hours I can do whatever I like, just chillax, take a breather, STAY OUT OF CAMP, and enjoy my own time. Yea the part where I've to go back in the blink of an eye sucks to the core, but I'll always abide by this--stay out of camp whenever possible. Camp life is just....eww. 

Just now tried to 'por' my pc to give me afternoon off, but to no avail. Wasted 6 whole hours of my life in camp rotting. But what is done is done. Shall not bother about it anymore...

Seriously hope tomorrow is a good day. Next few days as I said will be sad, but...just take things one at a time. THE OFFS WILL ACCUMLATE SOON ENOUGH. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Two months...Let's countdown.

I really really really really really really REALLY can't wait to run my first race in two more months. The wait is killing me! And right now I'm watching "The Spirit of the Marathon", which is making me anticipate even more. The nagging feeling than I will most probably not run SCSM this year is seriously demoralizing; I'm still clinging on the the slim chance that someone will offer their place to me, however improbable. 

Makes me want to run even more. Speaking about running more. Yea. I was talking bout' this yesterday. Today's freaking CPFA was supposed to kill me, but luckily it was too slack. Too slack haha. Once again, we were unsure of how long to run, then out of a sudden the 3SG just told us, hey, "you guys are running 10k." Like wtf. I'm dead, my worst fear is happening. However, as things are in MPEU, things always change. So, instead of 10k, a gang of us just did what, 4.8k and stopped. I was genuinely feeling the fatigue. Others...well, let's just say they had their reasons.  

Today is another half day off (Shiok), but the whole of the next week is going to be quite tough again. Let's see..

Tue (No off): 8 - 5 do nothing, have to book in by 2230 and stay in 

Wed: Mount, can go home

Thurs (No off): 8 - 5 do nothing, can go home

Fri (No off): Run, 8 - 5 do nothing, have to book in by 2230 stay in

Sat: Mount, STAY IN   

Sun: Mount, STAY IN

Mon: Mount!!!

Holy shit. Sat-Sun-Mon combo is gonna kill me, I swear. I am definitely not used to this life yet la. No wonder the lao jiaos all say first few months will be xiong. Of course la, no offs to clear, and need to adjust to standing at Istana. How do I survive. 

Where is my freaking NDP off? How useful it'd be if I can clear it asap, like on thursday? Argh... Let's hope somebody change shift with me such that I can pia mounting in one shot instead of doing alternate days...now I truly understand the punishing schedule of having to do alternate days.!

I don't know when I can do my next long-d.(SUCKS MAN!) My schedule is thoroughly packed this week. But by the next run, I'll already have broken 20k, this is something I must promise myself. Seeing my buddies working so hard to achieve their individuals goals has definitely spurred me on the push even further. And Facebook of course, my number one source of motivation. >=(


Omg, just found out this morning that 2.4km run first place was not 9:27, but 9:11!!! Does this mean that my timing is lower than 9:35 also??! OMG I'm so excited to know my timing I just wet my pants! (Not.) 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What a boring Sunday...

I'm probably gonna sleep soon after this. It was truly a boring day man! I did nothing except slack at home watch TV, play Pokemon, use comp and run. But I prefer this to camp life obviously. 

Yea, I did a run again this evening even though I already clocked 11km yesterday, AND I will be running around 10km tomorrow for CPFA. Yea, I know, it's quite dumb to run today since I have CPFA tomorrow. But then when I slack at home, I just have absolutely nothing to do. And when i do nothing, I will start to suspect my body is becoming lazy and growing fat. So this stupid mentality spurred me on to run again today...=.= Which is good of course, just...weird. 

Nothing special about today, just did around 8km leisure+HIT. 3km plus from home to Clementi Stadium, then finished off with a good 10+ rounds on the tracks. I like this feeling that I am not feeling shack or fatigue even after 8km, just shows that I am well conditioned and ready for a marathon. And I will strive to maintain it for the rest of my life, if possible. 

Other than that, it was seriously a boring day, I must emphasize. Yea, but watching YOG ceremony and NDP to kill time ain't that bad also. 

Ah, decided to start a "Distance Log" to keep track of my long-d runs. This is just to see my progress and to be accountable to myself. Here's a preview: 

"It sucks to have to look weak and tired out tomorrow, and if I give the reason to them that I've already ran nearly 20k two days before, who the hell would believe me? Yes, I'm like only 50% or less for tml's run, and I fear it might just burn me out. It is best for me to rest tml, but...hell, no chance they will let me. Never mind, as long as I'm trve to myself, I don't have to prove to them anything. I will run tomorrow, and I will run slowly. But deep down, I am not ashamed cos' I know I've done more running than them already. That's all."

OQTD: Lose Weight, Lift Weights!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Rain Man Strikes!

Oh damn it, I couldn't complete my half marathon today. Originally wanted to post after my "race review" instead of before but it doesn't matter cos' I didn't finish the run today. 

Rain man struck. 

Suddenly at my 11k mark, the skies darken like nothing I've ever seen. It was so black and overwhelming that I thought distaster of 2012 had fast forward, lol. In my mind, I thought, SAF style, "CAT 1. Gotta stop now." So as reluctantly as I was, I just went to the nearest bus stop, signifying the end of my run. True enough, minutes later, it rained. No, should I say, it poured. It was crazy man, out of nowhere this thunderstorm strikes. As I reached the bus stop opposite my house, I alighted, but was still stuck due to the increasing worsening situation. So I just stoned there, as if I was standing for Istana, looking into the sky and the endless droplets of rainwater coming down. Then quickly, this thought struck me. 

"....Rain...? The Rain man. It's...all these years is Rain actually the work of the Devil? To render us helpless in the face of such uncompromising occurrences? When it rains, people cease in their tracks. We can't go out of our houses. We can't enjoy the privilege of outdoor activities. And when it rains, the whole environment turns so dark and somber, as if the sky was crying. Is this all the work of the Devil? ...The Rain Man? So raining is actually his way of telling us, "Hey, don't fk around I'm still very much alive", and thunderstorms or worse are actually his works when he's pissed off? If so, then the Devil is very much alive, and EVERYWHERE." 

If I am talking cock, just treat it as an entertainment read. It was due to these videos that made me think of such cock stuff also. Do view them, if not just google, "Rain man devil" to find out yourself. 


See this creepy image taken from "Umbrella" music video.

You may wonder, why I have so much time to find all these crap. Well, this is what a 8-5 posting does to you; it gives you so much free time......

Friday, August 13, 2010

No Pain, No Gain.

I am suffering from the effects of running 2.4 km gold timing for the first time. Yea, I didn't felt any thing weird right after, but it started much later, when I was sleeping. Around 4 am I as abruptly and painfully woken up by a terrible stomachache, so unbearable that instinctively I just rushed to the toilet to relive myself. Btw, it IS Ghost Festival and this year is freaking "Hiong" or havoc due to the 50-year thing so I was definitely bloody scared to go toilet at this kind of unearthly time alone. And worst, the toilet is reputated to be haunted; there's even a Jesus Christ cross placed inside to "ward of dirty stuff". But this bloody stomachache was too much...I couldn't care less and just went in, settle my business and ran out. 

Then morning, reveille timing 6 am, the stomachache returned and I rushed to the toilet again. My stomach felt like shite afterwards...it was a hellish start to my day.

Then on my shift, oh my god don't even want to think bout' it. It was one of the toughest experiences I had to go through physically. My neck strain started again. Then I started to feel this stinging pain on my backbone. And it lasted all the way, even now I feel it. I'm sure it was due to the SBJ or 2.4 run yesterday; I must have tweaked it a bit. Then the bloody stomachache kept threatening to let loose and I was like struggling internally, mentally to block off the pain. I couldn't MOVE all this while you know! It was the closest thing to hell. It really felt that way. Was it worth to run 2.4km gold and suffer from all these after-effects? I can't say...but then, maybe this is just "virginal" effects of my physicality entering the next level, if you get my point. 

My body is broken, wasted currently. It is definitely no joke to cheong for IPPT. It's very very simply to just pass or get silver, for me. But GOLD, totally different case. Really have to sacrifice.

But all that's said and done, I'm still damn proud I ran below 9:44 for 2.4km. I still can't believe it, seriously. Me? I'm just a nobody, how could I have ran below 9:44? I haven't taken it all in yet. Every now and then, I'll be stoning like a little boy...thinking back of the run, and how the hell I made it. 


But I am sure not gonna rest on my laurels...step one--next IPPT maintain this timing. Subsequently, improve it. Ultimate aim for the near future = Below 9 min. I believe I can do it. Only a matter of time. I will keep on pushing until I hit a figure I want. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Touching the GOLD Standard...

I have good news and not so good news.

Everything I've done, every workout, every run, every single day that I starved and counted calories finally resulted in today's miracle. All my HIIT, Marathon long-d runs, stringent food intake, cutting phase, heck, even my epic loss of 22 kg since last year has accumulated to today's miracle. Truly guys, it is indeed a miracle, and a dream come true. I've finally broken 2.4km GOLD timing, FOR REAL!

To tell you the truth, I still can't fathom how I managed to have so much energy and desire to run below 9:44. It just seemed like the right time. Everything just clicked. No stitches, no leg pain, no problems. I just ran and ran, harder and faster each time. I won't say it wasn't tough, but I definitely felt comfortable enough during the whole run. It wasn't like I ran till' I was going to literally die afterwards like some other people. Lol haven't say my timing!

Actually I don't know my timing for sure. 

I got third position. 

So it was like,



3rd (Me)--???



I only know the first and fifth timing. When I checked my watch, it was still only 9:44, a few seconds after I passed the finishing line. Then I calculated, my 1.2km was 4:37 or 4:39, I can't remember. And if I multiplied by two, it was around 9:20. But considering I would have slowed down, it'd be around 10-15 seconds more. So I'm guessing 9:35, around there.

But who cares, I'm definitely below 9:40 YESSSS!!! Feels damn shiok to actually beat 9:44 GOLD TIMING for the first time in my life. 

This would list down as one of my greatest achievements yet...DAMN. 

But after that's said, ready for the not so good news? 

Even though I ran below 9:44, I did not get GOLD FOR IPPT. 



In Stillness and Silence, I Suffer.

Today is a momentous day as it marks the FIRST of 180 times I will be standing at Istana. The countdown starts! Thoughts on the whole experience? Well, to put it simply, the most prominent thing that bugged me even until now is the strain on my neck. Oh gosh, it's definitely not simple standing 2 hours there. My neck was hurting like shit and it was damn irritating. AND MADE WORSE by the fact that I couldn't wear specs and could see NOTHING. I mean, I couldn't even see clearly the guy opposite me and most of the time I'd be wondering if he was looking at me, or trying to tell me something. It's just awkward and pathetic. This is a confirm plus chop guarantee I'm going to make contacts ASAP. It's a necessity, not a want anymore. 

But the good thing is, the military guard room is GREAT! How shall I put in...in such situations we're in now, it's like nirvana. Just short of heaven. I said before, it has EVERYTHING except computers/cameras. It's just like a small chalet, can you imagine! A 'Presidential Suite'! The best thing is the Air-con...WOO, it's super cold, super shiok. Just lay a few minutes on any of the abundant beds/sofas over there after your shift, and you'd be sure to doze off. 

Food is great too, since we got to order them from shopping centres like Plaza Sing, or concourse nearby. No complains there.

Oh, just remembered another thing. My god, this is one thing I didn't realise until now; doing duty in Istana actually puts me in a increased risk of accidental DEATH. I'm damn serious. So part of our job scope was to do the rising and lowering of the Presidential Standard, which we only knew this morning. Now, this is an easy peasy job. However, the dangerous thing about doing it was that we'd have to go all the way up to the top of the office building, up to the rooftop, CLIMB the horizontal metal ladder up (which was like FIVE metres, btw) to reach the peak of the building. All done without any safety harness or whatsoever. If someone just slipped and fell, that will paralyze, if not kill him, no joke. If you can visualize what I'm saying, you will get how dangerous this is. 

So during the next 179 times I go up, risking my life I must add, I cannot afford to slip. Not even once. Truly F*** my life, huh?

Ok, overall Istana life is pretty ok, just that there are some quirks here and there, and not the mention how I could just die right there and then if I slipped while climbing the damn bloody high ladder. Book out later than usual also, but can't really complain too much. My life is still so slack compared to other more unfortunate Infantry man...

QOTD: Don't ASSUME, you will make an ASS out of U and ME. 

*Oh ya, IPPT tml. DIE~


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Finally, I'm going to STAND.

Argh I just got a few minutes left before I need to cheong back to camp!! It's 9.42 pm now and I need to leave by 10.30 pm.!! So rush, and mostly cos' my NDR duty just now ended so late...sianx sianxsianx really sianxxx...can't keep a calm composure now.

So many uncertainties tomorrow...but one thing is for sure. I am going to stand 2 hours for the first time. Pressurizing man...hope I don't cock up anything. Went into the Presidential Guards room today and hey, it was not too bad after all! Air-con, TV, comfy sofas, spacious rooms, PS2, heck, there's even a fridge! It's great actually! 

Nervous yet excited bout' mounting tomorrow. But still, I hate the remaining few days. Nvm, NDP and NDR has passed. Tml's mid week, after tml IPPT then friday just mount again before weekend finally comes. 

On a happier note, I've got TWO OFFS (NDP & NDR) YEA! 

Monday, August 9, 2010

National Day!


I might have been captured on 'live' tv looking blur just now. I saw this peach on top left the screen, a small white speck, somewhat resembling a head, yet quite distinguishable cos' it was the freaking MP helmet! Suddenly my instincts told me, oh my, that is ME?! 3 seconds later, I did the dumbest thing I could do by shaking my head left and right to see whether it was really me. and WHAT DID YOU KNOW, the MP captured in that instant, on the humongous screen, mimicked my movements exactly; IE---THAT WAS ME. I just showed the whole Singapore my stupid little act of uncertainty and "blur like sotong" look. How smart, huh? But lucky for me it's just a speck of my head amongst the sea of other images like the crowd, the parade commander, the lance guards, the ministers, so it's not so bad. Still, if given a chance I'd wish the damn screen wasn't so bright so that I could clearly see myself, in order to act more Zai instead of looking blur la...  

Then the deployment timing today was quite screwed, cos' we did longer, way longer than normal timing. My whole body felt cramped up after my shift man! Someway during the extended period I even thought that the shift B's were deployed for other areas due to contingency plans and we'd have to tank the ENTIRE PARADE!!!

Heh, but overall, nothing beats the sheer adrenaline rush when you hear the live crowd and see the performances on National events like this. Sure, NDP is over, but this once-in-a-lifetime moment will be engraved onto our memories forever. 

And with the end of NDP signifys the end of an era. Like they say, all good things must come to an end. And it will. No longer will there be Monday offs, Friday half day offs, or what we loved to call, "4.5 days work week". No longer will OD be 'pushed until further notice'. No longer will we be immune to mounting. Basically, the free and easy life is OVER. 

And just so conveniently, reality hits me in the head like a brick wall. NDP just ended tonight, and tomorrow, we Istana guys will be deployed again for NDR, while others enjoy their offs. Then, I will have to stay in after that, cos' I will be starting my Istana duties the day after. Can't get any worse, can it? YES it can. Thursday, guess what? I-P-P-T. Individual Physical Proficiency Test. IN MY FACE. .....And to end the week of 'beautifully' , Friday I'll have to go back to Istana to mount. Again. 

Haha, someone up there is laughing at me and saying, "Welcome to life man!"


Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Fierce Workout!

SOMETIMES, when I got nothing to blog, I will go out there and make something happen to blog about. This is what life is all about, after all. Doing something productive instead of lazing around all the time.

WOW, how unexpected, ladies and gentlemen,


Ha ha haha haha haha ha ha haha haha haha ahahhahahahahah hahahaha hahah ahahah hahahaha hahahaha hahaha'




hgahahahahaha =DDD

Sweat like a mad dog!



........hahahahahahahaha hah haha hahahaha HAHAHAHAHAH!!!

..ha..ha OK, ok I'll stop. 

...Let me finish my statement first.. Yes, indeed, I clocked at 9 min 15 sec for 2.4km run, but I never said I did it in one go, did I? LOL---I can imagine the expressions on your faces now!

Yes, let me say again, I ran 2.4 kilometres in 9:15 (WOW SHIOK) but, it will be invalid for 2.4km timing. Hah, why? Cos' I was doing intervals duh~ Yup, you heard it, another one of my interval trainings. BUT I'M STILL quite satisfied cos' this is actually quite close a stimulation of the real 2.4km, and quite possibly a strong hint of my actual 2.4km timing during my IPPT next week...! Still blur? 

Well, let me elaborate what I did. Basically, I ran at intervals of 400 metres each for six times, but stopped each time for a short break. Now you may think, "What the hell, 400m-break-400m-break so easy, no wonder can run 9:15 for the so-called 2.4km. What's there to brag about, smartass?!" But but but, hey. These breaks were no exactly rest times, these were mere seconds for me to check my timing for that 400m and to take a moment's breath. And I must say this, it was only between 10-15 seconds for each break. So put it into picture, IT WAS STILL VERY XIONG, IF NOT MORE XIONG than 100-200 HIIT! 

And I was so proud of my newfound method of training, I decided to call it my own. LOL, still feeling the kick of the adrenaline rush now. Yea yea, you guys might think this "GOLD TIMING" is nothing, but to me, it's a huge step towards my aim. At least I know the perfect pace for 9.44 min timing now...=)

Phew...! I want to record this kind of training down. 

"Lab's Method" 

-> Round 1, 400m, start timer

-> stop, check time, rest 10 seconds (*1:26)

-> Round 2, 400m, continue timer 

-> stop, check time, rest 10 seconds (3:02)

-> Round 3, 400m, continue timer

-> stop, check time, rest 10 seconds (4:33)

-> Round 4, 400m, continue timer 

-> stop, check time, rest 10 seconds (6:11)

-> Round 5, 400m, continue timer

-> stop, check time, rest 10 seconds (7:45)

-> Final Round, end timer

-> Check Final timing (9:15)

* Denotes my timing for each 400m. 

This training is xiong! And instant sweating! However, I must warn you first that this is no joke; my heart is still feeling the effects, and my whole body expecially my stomach feel like it's gonna explode anytime. But nonetheless, I'm totally happy with this training. 

May I do it again? ...Now thinking back...I seems a bit too xiong. Maybe.

Maybe not. *Shivers*

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Toughest Challenge Yet.

Been some time since I updated! Was so busy these few days, mainly due to my new addiction: POKEMON SOULSILVER! Yes, I finally got it! Went to Orchard ytd to buy it, since it was cheaper there. $55 for this game is considered a good price already, since it's so high in demand and low prices are hard to find. Tried to bargain to $50 but to no avail...but heck, just bought it anyways. Been cheonging that since I opened the box! I was sooooooo lucky, my pokemon even caught Pokerus! XD. 

Ok, but after all the fun, I must still continue my consistent marathon trainings. I must not let this new craze consume my life, like before. If I had to throw this game away to return to normal life, I must. This must be my mentality. I don't wanna get hooked to another game for the rest of my life...

So I'm embarking on a long run today. This is quite unexpected, as I didn't even know if I was gonna get half day off or what. Everything was pretty uncertain in camp today. Had the NDP celebratory stuff, including a feast of a breakfast, which luckily, I didn't binge on, and some NDP video/NE presentation. Then we wondered if we were gonna take OD test in the afternoon, cos' most already took it on Thurs. But in the end, Mother Luck was on our side again as our PC gave us afternoon off, and coincidentally, OD was postponed too due to other platoons' afternoon offs too. So there goes another week of Zhuo bo! 

But for me, next week is going to be Xiong. With a capital X. 

Anyway, back to the run first. I am not prepared for it 100%, I admit. My mentality is just go for it, enjoy the run. No pressure. Hopefully I complete it, and within a good timing bah. Here's the Route:


As you can see, it's a single loop starting and ending at my house, and will pass through Pasir Panjang and Ayer Rajah expressways. Straightforward enough, if I Hor-lan this I can really got hit wall liao. Worried about insufficient water points though, hope 7-11/cheers are plentiful. Hmm...nothing else, time for my warm-up and I'll be good to go!




It sucks, it really does. I could have broken 21k today, but cos' I didn't expect such unforeseen crap to happen, I bite my own arm. Grr...don't worry, I have the perfect route for my next Half-Marathon attempt and it's gonna be IDIOT PROOF. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Past is ALIVE...

Woo~feeling super full now after a huge dinner. I don't really mind eating more nowadays cos' I've realised that a long-d run can easily burn all of it off. But of course, I must continue doing these runs, which is easier said than done. 

No surprises, in camp, OD test is.................yep. Postponed. Again. Same old, same old. Who the hell cares bout' the test anymore, everyone's already gotten their No.1 U and are ready for ceremonial events. Fail also nvm, just re-OD haha. 

Ok, these few weeks was like having Pokemon craze for me. Since my friends started the HeartGold/Soulsilver thing again, I couldn't help but feel a very strong urge to play again. I've been pondering for quite some time already, whether to buy it or not. But it's freaking expensive! Around $60+ for the game! And I'm in my "saving money phase" now, which makes things worst. But I think this time, I am gonna buy it. Seriously, if I don't, I am literally rotting away in camp doing nothing. NOTHING. So I hope this game will pass my time for the next few months, at least. Most probably will be getting it tomorrow, with one of my bunkmates. 

Changing subjects, this morning, I woke up from another F-ed up dream. I've had enough, REALLY. You can say it's sweet, happy, a fantasy. But you can also say it's a nightmare. 

I want to forget this person. And I've already done everything possible to stop remembering or thinking of this person. But somehow, SUBCONSCIOUSLY, the memories and my withering hopes keep coming back to haunt me. STOP IT! Stop it... 

"It was so peaceful...such a nice scenario. In my dream...everything I wanted came true....but now I just want to know why...am I unable to get rid of this clinging feeling..." 

Whatever la, I may sound like a weakling, despo, whatever and I've never admitted stupid things like that before, but right now, thinking of this, my emotions are just in a MESS...

I shall go back to my sanity and calmness now by listening to some awesome *You-Know-What*.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Shed That Shit Off!

Time to push even further! It's Monday already and I've nothing to do...so I'm going to do this. Going to try for Half-Marathon distance today. Yea, call me insane or psycho or whatever, but if THOSE PEOPLE can do it, why not I? I've trained so freaking hard from last year to lose so much weight, and if by doing all that I can't even finish a mere 21k, then what's the point of all the effort? I know, I'm not a seasoned runner by any means. I still feel the fatigue and sometimes uncomfortable when I run. I've not prepared according to the textbook, so to say. I've not carbo-loaded. I've not rest enough. Heck, I just did HIIT yesterday. I've just not done enough practice for this. People usually do quite a substantial amount of 10k - 15k before they do a half-marathon. Even army do things slower than that. For me to do 10k-12k-15k-22k at one go, within four long-d runs, it's a challenge. 

BUT. I am not of average fitness, that's the truth. Even though I am nowhere near a "Superior Athlete", I am still above average. Let's not hide anything from me, this is what I think, I'm just being frank and trve. And bloody hell, I have the body of an 18 year old, according to a health analysis, which means that I am near the absolute PEAK of my health and fitness right now. I recover from long-d runs so quickly like they were nothing. Trust me, I took less than a day to fully recover from my 15k run. Even I was shocked to not feel any after effect at all! AT ALL! So I must take this chance, while I'm young, to run as many and as far as possible. Not need to rest so much, can rest all I want when I die. If THOSE PEOPLE can do it, so can I, and I will do it even better. 

Already planned the route. Here it is. 

Basically the route is from my house all the way to bukit timah nature reserve. Starts from the soccer court, then follow jurong town hall road, all the way straight to bukit batok int, then turn towards bukit batok park, run one round there, exit and carry on to the nature reserve, do one whole round of the area (8.25k, excluded from the map), run all the way back to bukit batok int. That's approximately more than 22k. That's 7k more than what I did last time. Timing's not that important now, as long as I finish.

And here's the route for the nature reserve. http://www.runningmaps.eu/spip.php?article39

Hmm..as time draws nearer to my start time, I feel the stress more and more. Will I finish it? Will it rain halfway so I've to stop? Will I tio injured? Etc...So many questions...which will only be answered when i RUN. 

Will start after lunch, when the sun's not so hot. Around 1pm would be good. Haix, supposed to gym today but decided to save energy for this, so I better finish it. Must do it to cancel off the crazy binging on Saturday too. 

I'm heading for breakfast now! When I come back, I'll be preparing to go! *Will update at night*

I'll show them.

QOTD: Doesn't mean you can run a marathon if you can run 2.4k gold; doesn't mean you can't run 2.4k gold if you can't run a marathon.



Updates! Ok, things didn't turn out as expected, but I expected it to turn out this way. A little confused, huh? Alright, cos' I jio ch for today's run also, but when you have him around, don't expect things to go according as planned. But never mind, today though did not accomplish my goal of 22k, I still gained from it. First, the workout was quite xiong. It's quite different from normal route cos' we were doing the hills and trails with lots and lots of upslope and steps. And in the end we cheonged up the peak to reach the satellite tower entrance. Not too bad after all. Today distance was about 14.5k, which is satisfactory already. I am still feeling ok after that, so I believe 22k is only a matter of time...=)

My weight finally dropped to 60.1kg after the run. Song la. Finally. I want to keep this for a few weeks and see how things go. 

Tomorrow OD test, question is, will it be postponed AGAIN??

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