Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, August 20, 2010

10.5 hours to Happiness

3 days. 2 weekends. 1 consecutive schedule. 

You have no idea how 'emo' I'm feeling right now. Even the whole atmosphere around me is gloomy. My room lights just died on me today, and now the room is almost pitch black except for the depressing orange light that is emitting from my table lamp. What a sad picture. I can't help it but feel extremely stressed out about having to mount 3 days straight. It just sucks man! Yes, one part of it is due to the standing itself. But the more terrible thing is, I can't book out for 3 days! It's like weekend confinement or something, you know? Like the Istana 'Lao jiaos' always like to say, "I'm sad~". 

Taking this time to surf the net...chill, before I have to book in. Will probably only see my beloved laptop on MONDAY night. Oh the agony! Laptop; I will miss you. 

BARGHHH!!!! Deep down I'm screaming, but nobody hears me. Stop reading if this is too emotional for you...but I need to release my feelings on this blog if not I'll feel even more shite than I already am...

How I wish I can fall sick now and don't have to go for duty...but it won't happen. 

So guys, don't call me for the next few days, I won't be free. Will be 'trapped' inside Istana ha - ha- ha...=/

3 days...6 shifts...3x2hours...3x1.5hours...total 10.5 hours of pure STANDING...before I can finally take a break. I don't care liao, next Tuesday I will confirm take off, Wednesday also. 


Until then....

Until the light takes me. . . . .

QOTD: I'd rather you stress over your A levels for this two years, than have to stress over it for the rest of your adulthood when you do badly. 

                                                                                                                                                    -My inner voice; from experience. 


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