Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, August 30, 2010

Widening The Gap.

That's it. I had enough of all the bullshit that is coming out of Facebook. Thank you, all of you, for providing me with the motivation and desire to continue running and continue to become the 'superior athlete'. It never fails, every single day, when I go 're-fuel' in FB. Re-fueled by your happiness. Your sadness. Your anger. Your fears. Your every emotions. All your happy photos, your lovey-dovey photos, they only act as a source of motivation for me. It will only make me want to train harder. Train MUCH harder. To become better than all of you. But I can only do that, if you constantly show me, show me your success. Show me your happiness. SHOW ME, FEED ME! 

You people are the reason why I keep on busting my ass off day in day out to improve. And I must add, I wasn't born with the ability to feed on other's success. It took a hell of a journey. It took me days, weeks, months even years to get used to them.

To suck it up, no matter how bitter or how jealous I was.

To hold back my tears when I wanted to cry so badly.

To keep silent when I wanted to scream and shout.

Eventually, I have molded my mentality, my physicality, to become tough. Now, I will still feel the pain and jealousy when I look at you guy's having the time ouf your lifes. But it only lasts for that mere seconds, before it turns to fuel. Turns to motivation. That's how it works, and I have told myself this: "I will not be fazed by anything, anymore." 

So that is why, I am going to say this, with all of the belief and confidence that I am going to become much, much more fit. I am going to train MUCH harder, as I already said. You think I have improved? You guys ain't see nothing yet. I am not boasting or throwing down the gauntlet or whatever, but this is truly what I am going to do. 

I'm never going to be the best. There will always be someone better than me. And I want that, cos' only then will I seek to improve. I have done TWO achievements in my life, one, losing 22kg, and two, running ~9:30 for 2.4km. All I can say is, this is NOTHING. From now onwards, all the way to Dec 5 2010, I am going to work towards my goal. The next accomplishment in my life WILL be a FULL 42.195k MARATHON, and I will complete it in a timing that, will, the very least, own all my social circle, by a mile. 


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