Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Until The Light Takes Us.

I am so dreading the day I have to start my THREE-day consectutive shift. Which starts tomorrow night. Haix. 

Today was supposed to do something I've never tired before; but heck, I just happened to realise that I was seriously lacking in my running schedule and if I didn't do a run either today or tomorrow, my fitness will definitely drop. So against all reluctance (and I my mind was really fixed on going to watch the film), I made the decision to go for the run instead.

I think I made the right decision. 

But as I said, I was going to 'Blackhole 212' to catching the screening of a recently released Black Metal documentary called 'Until the light takes us'. Although I've watched it before, I wanted to experience going to a gathering and watching it together with the metal community. This is something I've always wanted to do but never have had to guts to, and I was really looking forward to it. It's almost like going to a live gig. But oh well, I had to prioritize my time so I cancelled the plan last minute. Just to run! 

But I say again, it's worth it. I did around 10k, didn't really count but it's somewhere around there. This time I tried to up the pace so that I can improve my timing. It's more tiring, but I'm glad it did it. After my lung bursting efforts, I slowed down end my run. As I looked up at my top left angle, I saw this huge sparkling bright lights from the lamppost that just covered the whole stadium. In my mind, I knew it. Even though I didn't catch 'Until the light takes us', I already got something better. I saw the light. It was as if higher powers were telling me; "Look, you made the right decision to run. You sacrificed you leisure time for this, but it will all work out for you in the end." It was that symbolic to me. 

Oh btw something really funny/stupid/unexpected happened on my way home. As I was on the bus, this dumb bangala behind me asked me if the bus was going to Boon Lay. And I said, no, he's got to alight and take bus "30". So him, blur as fuck, went down the bus on the next stop, presumably going to follow that I told him. Moments later, I realised something! THE BUS WE WERE TAKING WAS BUS "30"!!!! You know why this happened? Cos' I am so very used to the fact that my bus was "51" or "143", as I rarely took "30" to go home. So me being blur also, just freaking slaughtered the dumb bangala and wasted his time and money LOL! But deep down I knew, this just shows that I'm a jinx to bagalas and quietly inside I was LMAO as I had actually inadvertently tricked that dumb ass! If you haven't already know, I HATE bangalas, period. So it was a really funny encounter. Yea, shoot me for being to racist and whatnot, I don't care =P.

Tomorrow is another Istana cohesion! SO LOOKING FORWARD! *Sarcasm*

QOTD: Eat like a MONSTER, Train like a MONSTER.


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