Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

In Stillness and Silence, I Suffer.

Today is a momentous day as it marks the FIRST of 180 times I will be standing at Istana. The countdown starts! Thoughts on the whole experience? Well, to put it simply, the most prominent thing that bugged me even until now is the strain on my neck. Oh gosh, it's definitely not simple standing 2 hours there. My neck was hurting like shit and it was damn irritating. AND MADE WORSE by the fact that I couldn't wear specs and could see NOTHING. I mean, I couldn't even see clearly the guy opposite me and most of the time I'd be wondering if he was looking at me, or trying to tell me something. It's just awkward and pathetic. This is a confirm plus chop guarantee I'm going to make contacts ASAP. It's a necessity, not a want anymore. 

But the good thing is, the military guard room is GREAT! How shall I put in...in such situations we're in now, it's like nirvana. Just short of heaven. I said before, it has EVERYTHING except computers/cameras. It's just like a small chalet, can you imagine! A 'Presidential Suite'! The best thing is the Air-con...WOO, it's super cold, super shiok. Just lay a few minutes on any of the abundant beds/sofas over there after your shift, and you'd be sure to doze off. 

Food is great too, since we got to order them from shopping centres like Plaza Sing, or concourse nearby. No complains there.

Oh, just remembered another thing. My god, this is one thing I didn't realise until now; doing duty in Istana actually puts me in a increased risk of accidental DEATH. I'm damn serious. So part of our job scope was to do the rising and lowering of the Presidential Standard, which we only knew this morning. Now, this is an easy peasy job. However, the dangerous thing about doing it was that we'd have to go all the way up to the top of the office building, up to the rooftop, CLIMB the horizontal metal ladder up (which was like FIVE metres, btw) to reach the peak of the building. All done without any safety harness or whatsoever. If someone just slipped and fell, that will paralyze, if not kill him, no joke. If you can visualize what I'm saying, you will get how dangerous this is. 

So during the next 179 times I go up, risking my life I must add, I cannot afford to slip. Not even once. Truly F*** my life, huh?

Ok, overall Istana life is pretty ok, just that there are some quirks here and there, and not the mention how I could just die right there and then if I slipped while climbing the damn bloody high ladder. Book out later than usual also, but can't really complain too much. My life is still so slack compared to other more unfortunate Infantry man...

QOTD: Don't ASSUME, you will make an ASS out of U and ME. 

*Oh ya, IPPT tml. DIE~



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