Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Shed That Shit Off!

Time to push even further! It's Monday already and I've nothing to do...so I'm going to do this. Going to try for Half-Marathon distance today. Yea, call me insane or psycho or whatever, but if THOSE PEOPLE can do it, why not I? I've trained so freaking hard from last year to lose so much weight, and if by doing all that I can't even finish a mere 21k, then what's the point of all the effort? I know, I'm not a seasoned runner by any means. I still feel the fatigue and sometimes uncomfortable when I run. I've not prepared according to the textbook, so to say. I've not carbo-loaded. I've not rest enough. Heck, I just did HIIT yesterday. I've just not done enough practice for this. People usually do quite a substantial amount of 10k - 15k before they do a half-marathon. Even army do things slower than that. For me to do 10k-12k-15k-22k at one go, within four long-d runs, it's a challenge. 

BUT. I am not of average fitness, that's the truth. Even though I am nowhere near a "Superior Athlete", I am still above average. Let's not hide anything from me, this is what I think, I'm just being frank and trve. And bloody hell, I have the body of an 18 year old, according to a health analysis, which means that I am near the absolute PEAK of my health and fitness right now. I recover from long-d runs so quickly like they were nothing. Trust me, I took less than a day to fully recover from my 15k run. Even I was shocked to not feel any after effect at all! AT ALL! So I must take this chance, while I'm young, to run as many and as far as possible. Not need to rest so much, can rest all I want when I die. If THOSE PEOPLE can do it, so can I, and I will do it even better. 

Already planned the route. Here it is. 

Basically the route is from my house all the way to bukit timah nature reserve. Starts from the soccer court, then follow jurong town hall road, all the way straight to bukit batok int, then turn towards bukit batok park, run one round there, exit and carry on to the nature reserve, do one whole round of the area (8.25k, excluded from the map), run all the way back to bukit batok int. That's approximately more than 22k. That's 7k more than what I did last time. Timing's not that important now, as long as I finish.

And here's the route for the nature reserve. http://www.runningmaps.eu/spip.php?article39

Hmm..as time draws nearer to my start time, I feel the stress more and more. Will I finish it? Will it rain halfway so I've to stop? Will I tio injured? Etc...So many questions...which will only be answered when i RUN. 

Will start after lunch, when the sun's not so hot. Around 1pm would be good. Haix, supposed to gym today but decided to save energy for this, so I better finish it. Must do it to cancel off the crazy binging on Saturday too. 

I'm heading for breakfast now! When I come back, I'll be preparing to go! *Will update at night*

I'll show them.

QOTD: Doesn't mean you can run a marathon if you can run 2.4k gold; doesn't mean you can't run 2.4k gold if you can't run a marathon.



Updates! Ok, things didn't turn out as expected, but I expected it to turn out this way. A little confused, huh? Alright, cos' I jio ch for today's run also, but when you have him around, don't expect things to go according as planned. But never mind, today though did not accomplish my goal of 22k, I still gained from it. First, the workout was quite xiong. It's quite different from normal route cos' we were doing the hills and trails with lots and lots of upslope and steps. And in the end we cheonged up the peak to reach the satellite tower entrance. Not too bad after all. Today distance was about 14.5k, which is satisfactory already. I am still feeling ok after that, so I believe 22k is only a matter of time...=)

My weight finally dropped to 60.1kg after the run. Song la. Finally. I want to keep this for a few weeks and see how things go. 

Tomorrow OD test, question is, will it be postponed AGAIN??


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