Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Working with limited time

~Rushing, rushing! 

---One more hour left to leave house---

Yea, I gotta leave real soon, and not looking forward to it! Tomorrow gotta mount again. Makes me wonder sometimes, will I deeply cherish and utilize my time wisely only if I'm running on limited time? Seems like I'm much more efficient in whatever I'm doing now. 

Some may think it's troublesome to book out at 5+ then book in again at 10+, but after careful calculations, I always think the few hours that I will have, however little it may seem, is just that important. During these few hours I can do whatever I like, just chillax, take a breather, STAY OUT OF CAMP, and enjoy my own time. Yea the part where I've to go back in the blink of an eye sucks to the core, but I'll always abide by this--stay out of camp whenever possible. Camp life is just....eww. 

Just now tried to 'por' my pc to give me afternoon off, but to no avail. Wasted 6 whole hours of my life in camp rotting. But what is done is done. Shall not bother about it anymore...

Seriously hope tomorrow is a good day. Next few days as I said will be sad, but...just take things one at a time. THE OFFS WILL ACCUMLATE SOON ENOUGH. 


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