Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pre-Marathon Training: 13 Miles. *Updated*

First and foremost, I can't keep my composure straight now cos' SOMEBODY IS SELLING SCSM SLOT BUT I DON'T KNOW WHETHER TO HOOT IT COS' I NEED MY FRIEND'S ADVICE, BUT HE'S UNCONTACTABLE DAMN IT. This slot will be taken up very soon if I don't act fast it's bugging me the whole time! 

But that aside, let's focus on the main event for today. 

13 miles. 21 km. Half Marathon. Whatever you want to call it. Like I always say, I don't like to give these long-d runs more hype than they already have, cos' the more I do this, the harder it will be to overcome them. It's 21k, it is not very tough but it won't be that easy either. I think my route should have more than enough water points. Check. Easy navigation? I would say quite manageable for me; I'd really kill myself this time if I hor lan again. NO MORE EXPRESSWAYS! Looking out, the whether is good also, hopefully it doesn't rain again like yesterday evening. I'm gonna start at around 1pm, and should end around 4+. Here's the route.

Ok, time to get ready and warmed up. I've not sweated much for four days already, so today should level things up. Can I do it, can I finally said that I've reached half-marathon distance? We'll find out when I get back. 


I guess I don't know what to say now. Throughout the 5 hours I experienced a euphoria of emotions that I can never aptly describe to you. I swear, this is the TOUGHEST run I've ever gone through. I dug deep inside to grine through this journey. I've finally FELT for myself the struggles and pain that marathoners go through. Throughout the run, I experienced stitches, cramps, leg pain, rashes, fatigue and even ran the wrong way. My body hit the wall. I stopped countless times. I walked countless times. For the later part of my run I was just walking/jogging at a snail's pace. BUT I was motivated. Motivated by everything, everyone around me. I saw the nature. I saw people. Once, at around 13k, I saw this old lady, hunched back, slowly and painfully, carrying a load of garbage which I concluded she was going to sell for money, walked by me while I was at the midst of GIVING UP due to my cramp. It motivated me. I could not stop. I could not give up. Even if I have to walk back, I must finish this. It could have been another "OH FK I STOPPED HALFWAY DUE TO BLAH BLAH" post but NO. This time it was different. I pushed through my physical capabilities. I was slow, but I never stopped. I never gave up. In the end, I made it back home. To sum it all up, my efforts had not gone to vain. I did the half marathon distance AND MORE. 24 km in total, that's what I ran. 



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