Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, August 13, 2010

No Pain, No Gain.

I am suffering from the effects of running 2.4 km gold timing for the first time. Yea, I didn't felt any thing weird right after, but it started much later, when I was sleeping. Around 4 am I as abruptly and painfully woken up by a terrible stomachache, so unbearable that instinctively I just rushed to the toilet to relive myself. Btw, it IS Ghost Festival and this year is freaking "Hiong" or havoc due to the 50-year thing so I was definitely bloody scared to go toilet at this kind of unearthly time alone. And worst, the toilet is reputated to be haunted; there's even a Jesus Christ cross placed inside to "ward of dirty stuff". But this bloody stomachache was too much...I couldn't care less and just went in, settle my business and ran out. 

Then morning, reveille timing 6 am, the stomachache returned and I rushed to the toilet again. My stomach felt like shite afterwards...it was a hellish start to my day.

Then on my shift, oh my god don't even want to think bout' it. It was one of the toughest experiences I had to go through physically. My neck strain started again. Then I started to feel this stinging pain on my backbone. And it lasted all the way, even now I feel it. I'm sure it was due to the SBJ or 2.4 run yesterday; I must have tweaked it a bit. Then the bloody stomachache kept threatening to let loose and I was like struggling internally, mentally to block off the pain. I couldn't MOVE all this while you know! It was the closest thing to hell. It really felt that way. Was it worth to run 2.4km gold and suffer from all these after-effects? I can't say...but then, maybe this is just "virginal" effects of my physicality entering the next level, if you get my point. 

My body is broken, wasted currently. It is definitely no joke to cheong for IPPT. It's very very simply to just pass or get silver, for me. But GOLD, totally different case. Really have to sacrifice.

But all that's said and done, I'm still damn proud I ran below 9:44 for 2.4km. I still can't believe it, seriously. Me? I'm just a nobody, how could I have ran below 9:44? I haven't taken it all in yet. Every now and then, I'll be stoning like a little boy...thinking back of the run, and how the hell I made it. 


But I am sure not gonna rest on my laurels...step one--next IPPT maintain this timing. Subsequently, improve it. Ultimate aim for the near future = Below 9 min. I believe I can do it. Only a matter of time. I will keep on pushing until I hit a figure I want. 


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