Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Comparing Standards.

My free time is getting less and less as time passes... But it is only the the next week. Practically will be eaten up by commitments in the Army, so I won't really 'see the light' until a few weeks later, so to speak. Damn schedule...

30-duty, 31-COG rhsl, 1-CPFA+off, 2-duty, 3-COG rhsl, 4-duty, 5-COG actual. Ho ho ho..I'm in for some real shit. 

I'm ok with that...just that I might be guaranteed to miss out on COMEX fair =.=. I need to get some earphones there, but with the schedule, I don't think I'll even have time. 

Today will be going for a 10k training run with the NPCC guys...it's been a long time. I've been training hard. So let's see if my fitness is up with theirs. 

I've done part of this route before...so it should be quite familiar. I hope they go fast, as I want to see a good timing for my 10k. But my biggest fear would be that the pain in my left foot acts up. It's been there for a few days liao. And as much as I hate to admit it, it's due to the 24k run. Anyway, hope this run doesn't worsen it, if not I'd be putting my training plans to jeopardy. 

Alright, time to go! I don't know when I'll post back!


Good run. The pace was moderate, but somehow I felt very energized after the workout. I am definitely able to keep up with their pace. We did around 9k, although I timed, I feel it's not relevant as we stopped too many times during the run. Overall, a very enjoyable run. Ended with a nice upslope 'speed training'. 

Yea, though I'm pretty satisfied I can pace with them, somehow, deep down what I really want is to run much faster than them. To break away from the herd, and become uncatchable. =)


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