Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Past is ALIVE...

Woo~feeling super full now after a huge dinner. I don't really mind eating more nowadays cos' I've realised that a long-d run can easily burn all of it off. But of course, I must continue doing these runs, which is easier said than done. 

No surprises, in camp, OD test is.................yep. Postponed. Again. Same old, same old. Who the hell cares bout' the test anymore, everyone's already gotten their No.1 U and are ready for ceremonial events. Fail also nvm, just re-OD haha. 

Ok, these few weeks was like having Pokemon craze for me. Since my friends started the HeartGold/Soulsilver thing again, I couldn't help but feel a very strong urge to play again. I've been pondering for quite some time already, whether to buy it or not. But it's freaking expensive! Around $60+ for the game! And I'm in my "saving money phase" now, which makes things worst. But I think this time, I am gonna buy it. Seriously, if I don't, I am literally rotting away in camp doing nothing. NOTHING. So I hope this game will pass my time for the next few months, at least. Most probably will be getting it tomorrow, with one of my bunkmates. 

Changing subjects, this morning, I woke up from another F-ed up dream. I've had enough, REALLY. You can say it's sweet, happy, a fantasy. But you can also say it's a nightmare. 

I want to forget this person. And I've already done everything possible to stop remembering or thinking of this person. But somehow, SUBCONSCIOUSLY, the memories and my withering hopes keep coming back to haunt me. STOP IT! Stop it... 

"It was so peaceful...such a nice scenario. In my dream...everything I wanted came true....but now I just want to know why...am I unable to get rid of this clinging feeling..." 

Whatever la, I may sound like a weakling, despo, whatever and I've never admitted stupid things like that before, but right now, thinking of this, my emotions are just in a MESS...

I shall go back to my sanity and calmness now by listening to some awesome *You-Know-What*.


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