Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Fierce Workout!

SOMETIMES, when I got nothing to blog, I will go out there and make something happen to blog about. This is what life is all about, after all. Doing something productive instead of lazing around all the time.

WOW, how unexpected, ladies and gentlemen,


Ha ha haha haha haha ha ha haha haha haha ahahhahahahahah hahahaha hahah ahahah hahahaha hahahaha hahaha'




hgahahahahaha =DDD

Sweat like a mad dog!



........hahahahahahahaha hah haha hahahaha HAHAHAHAHAH!!!

..ha..ha OK, ok I'll stop. 

...Let me finish my statement first.. Yes, indeed, I clocked at 9 min 15 sec for 2.4km run, but I never said I did it in one go, did I? LOL---I can imagine the expressions on your faces now!

Yes, let me say again, I ran 2.4 kilometres in 9:15 (WOW SHIOK) but, it will be invalid for 2.4km timing. Hah, why? Cos' I was doing intervals duh~ Yup, you heard it, another one of my interval trainings. BUT I'M STILL quite satisfied cos' this is actually quite close a stimulation of the real 2.4km, and quite possibly a strong hint of my actual 2.4km timing during my IPPT next week...! Still blur? 

Well, let me elaborate what I did. Basically, I ran at intervals of 400 metres each for six times, but stopped each time for a short break. Now you may think, "What the hell, 400m-break-400m-break so easy, no wonder can run 9:15 for the so-called 2.4km. What's there to brag about, smartass?!" But but but, hey. These breaks were no exactly rest times, these were mere seconds for me to check my timing for that 400m and to take a moment's breath. And I must say this, it was only between 10-15 seconds for each break. So put it into picture, IT WAS STILL VERY XIONG, IF NOT MORE XIONG than 100-200 HIIT! 

And I was so proud of my newfound method of training, I decided to call it my own. LOL, still feeling the kick of the adrenaline rush now. Yea yea, you guys might think this "GOLD TIMING" is nothing, but to me, it's a huge step towards my aim. At least I know the perfect pace for 9.44 min timing now...=)

Phew...! I want to record this kind of training down. 

"Lab's Method" 

-> Round 1, 400m, start timer

-> stop, check time, rest 10 seconds (*1:26)

-> Round 2, 400m, continue timer 

-> stop, check time, rest 10 seconds (3:02)

-> Round 3, 400m, continue timer

-> stop, check time, rest 10 seconds (4:33)

-> Round 4, 400m, continue timer 

-> stop, check time, rest 10 seconds (6:11)

-> Round 5, 400m, continue timer

-> stop, check time, rest 10 seconds (7:45)

-> Final Round, end timer

-> Check Final timing (9:15)

* Denotes my timing for each 400m. 

This training is xiong! And instant sweating! However, I must warn you first that this is no joke; my heart is still feeling the effects, and my whole body expecially my stomach feel like it's gonna explode anytime. But nonetheless, I'm totally happy with this training. 

May I do it again? ...Now thinking back...I seems a bit too xiong. Maybe.

Maybe not. *Shivers*


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