Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Touching the GOLD Standard...

I have good news and not so good news.

Everything I've done, every workout, every run, every single day that I starved and counted calories finally resulted in today's miracle. All my HIIT, Marathon long-d runs, stringent food intake, cutting phase, heck, even my epic loss of 22 kg since last year has accumulated to today's miracle. Truly guys, it is indeed a miracle, and a dream come true. I've finally broken 2.4km GOLD timing, FOR REAL!

To tell you the truth, I still can't fathom how I managed to have so much energy and desire to run below 9:44. It just seemed like the right time. Everything just clicked. No stitches, no leg pain, no problems. I just ran and ran, harder and faster each time. I won't say it wasn't tough, but I definitely felt comfortable enough during the whole run. It wasn't like I ran till' I was going to literally die afterwards like some other people. Lol haven't say my timing!

Actually I don't know my timing for sure. 

I got third position. 

So it was like,



3rd (Me)--???



I only know the first and fifth timing. When I checked my watch, it was still only 9:44, a few seconds after I passed the finishing line. Then I calculated, my 1.2km was 4:37 or 4:39, I can't remember. And if I multiplied by two, it was around 9:20. But considering I would have slowed down, it'd be around 10-15 seconds more. So I'm guessing 9:35, around there.

But who cares, I'm definitely below 9:40 YESSSS!!! Feels damn shiok to actually beat 9:44 GOLD TIMING for the first time in my life. 

This would list down as one of my greatest achievements yet...DAMN. 

But after that's said, ready for the not so good news? 

Even though I ran below 9:44, I did not get GOLD FOR IPPT. 




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