Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Rain Man Strikes!

Oh damn it, I couldn't complete my half marathon today. Originally wanted to post after my "race review" instead of before but it doesn't matter cos' I didn't finish the run today. 

Rain man struck. 

Suddenly at my 11k mark, the skies darken like nothing I've ever seen. It was so black and overwhelming that I thought distaster of 2012 had fast forward, lol. In my mind, I thought, SAF style, "CAT 1. Gotta stop now." So as reluctantly as I was, I just went to the nearest bus stop, signifying the end of my run. True enough, minutes later, it rained. No, should I say, it poured. It was crazy man, out of nowhere this thunderstorm strikes. As I reached the bus stop opposite my house, I alighted, but was still stuck due to the increasing worsening situation. So I just stoned there, as if I was standing for Istana, looking into the sky and the endless droplets of rainwater coming down. Then quickly, this thought struck me. 

"....Rain...? The Rain man. It's...all these years is Rain actually the work of the Devil? To render us helpless in the face of such uncompromising occurrences? When it rains, people cease in their tracks. We can't go out of our houses. We can't enjoy the privilege of outdoor activities. And when it rains, the whole environment turns so dark and somber, as if the sky was crying. Is this all the work of the Devil? ...The Rain Man? So raining is actually his way of telling us, "Hey, don't fk around I'm still very much alive", and thunderstorms or worse are actually his works when he's pissed off? If so, then the Devil is very much alive, and EVERYWHERE." 

If I am talking cock, just treat it as an entertainment read. It was due to these videos that made me think of such cock stuff also. Do view them, if not just google, "Rain man devil" to find out yourself. 


See this creepy image taken from "Umbrella" music video.

You may wonder, why I have so much time to find all these crap. Well, this is what a 8-5 posting does to you; it gives you so much free time......


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