Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What a boring Sunday...

I'm probably gonna sleep soon after this. It was truly a boring day man! I did nothing except slack at home watch TV, play Pokemon, use comp and run. But I prefer this to camp life obviously. 

Yea, I did a run again this evening even though I already clocked 11km yesterday, AND I will be running around 10km tomorrow for CPFA. Yea, I know, it's quite dumb to run today since I have CPFA tomorrow. But then when I slack at home, I just have absolutely nothing to do. And when i do nothing, I will start to suspect my body is becoming lazy and growing fat. So this stupid mentality spurred me on to run again today...=.= Which is good of course, just...weird. 

Nothing special about today, just did around 8km leisure+HIT. 3km plus from home to Clementi Stadium, then finished off with a good 10+ rounds on the tracks. I like this feeling that I am not feeling shack or fatigue even after 8km, just shows that I am well conditioned and ready for a marathon. And I will strive to maintain it for the rest of my life, if possible. 

Other than that, it was seriously a boring day, I must emphasize. Yea, but watching YOG ceremony and NDP to kill time ain't that bad also. 

Ah, decided to start a "Distance Log" to keep track of my long-d runs. This is just to see my progress and to be accountable to myself. Here's a preview: 

"It sucks to have to look weak and tired out tomorrow, and if I give the reason to them that I've already ran nearly 20k two days before, who the hell would believe me? Yes, I'm like only 50% or less for tml's run, and I fear it might just burn me out. It is best for me to rest tml, but...hell, no chance they will let me. Never mind, as long as I'm trve to myself, I don't have to prove to them anything. I will run tomorrow, and I will run slowly. But deep down, I am not ashamed cos' I know I've done more running than them already. That's all."

OQTD: Lose Weight, Lift Weights!


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