Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Album Review: Belus

I love Burzum's music. It doesn't fit into your traditional Black Metal type of sound, but you can't label it as anything short of Black Metal either. It's just, how do you put it...enigmatic. Burzum's music usually take you into another realm of reality and this newest album, after 10 years, does exactly that. I won't say it's an absolute classic or revolutionary album, but hell, it's still brilliant. And one song in particular just slays every single Burzum song that precedes it. 

1. Leukes renkespill (Introduksjon)

This song is just the intro, it's technically not a song anyway, just the sound of glass knocking onto a floor or something like that. 

2. Belus' død

This is the main track of the album. The intro riff was taken from his previous work "Daudi Baldrs" and evolved further from here. From this song you can already hear the extremely muffled production and garage quality. It's a love-hate thing really. Anyway, this song gives off a majestic feel and one will instantly like it. I don't know why the vocals are so criticized, but I think it's cool. Come on man, wolf-shrieks are the bomb ok! Might have been the best song on the album if not for the next one...

3. Glemselens elv

This freaking song is the reason why I have been listening to Belus so much, and Burzum as a whole. OMG. This song is OMG. It's beyond a song, it's a spiritual experience, it's like healing water, it's my life support, whatever you want to call it. This song has been played on my MP3 countless times since I realised it's beauty and will probably continue this way. Translated as "The River of Forgetfulness", the song itself is also structured this way. Like a endless, flowing river. So many things to say about this epic 12min song!!! I counted, after listening many times, there are nearly ten riffs variations in this ong song alone. How freaking epic is that? And not to mention they transit so seamlessly into one another...and the chanting part..OMG. This song IMO has taken over "Det Som En Gang Var" as his masterpiece. 

4. Kaimadalthas' nedstigning

A fast number. Starts with a panicky riff, before the recognisable layered chanting part comes in. This song is brutal, yet not heavy at all. It might sound weird, but you will get used to it. Again lots of variation and a standout SOLO that must be heard to be believed. 

5. Sverddans

Catchiest song of the album. Your typical thrash metal like song, except put in a Burzum album and heavily muffled. Very similar to "War" but must faster and catchy. The intro riff, wah. Makes me want to go run now. So much energy...and when the vocals come barking out, they come with such fury and anger that you really feel what he's trying to portray even though you don't understand the actual lyrical content. And of course, a superb thrash song must come with a memorable SOLO, and this one doesn't disappoint. Very good song, but I agree with majority; too short though.

6. Keliohesten

The Kelio Horse has emerged! At first we hear this buzzing sound from the start which is clearly building up for something, then suddenly, this pristine, beautiful riff emerges. It's short and sweet, but lucky for us it's repeated throughout the song. Other than that quite a standard song. 

7. Morgenrøde

Gets some time to get used to, but when people understand the whole premise of Burzum, they will realise this song's beauty. Another one with a number of swirling riffs, lots and lots of tremolo touch. A bit too repetitive though, with few changes. That's probably the biggest downfall of the whole album in general. 

8. Belus' tilbakekomst (Konklusjon)

Conclusion. A 10 minute wall of sound. Enough said. I hear it only when I want to block off surrounding noise or sleep. 

So there you have it. My little take on this album To tell you the truth, none of the songs matter as long as "Glemselens elv" is there. It's worth the album price alone, I think. This is a fine instance whereby one song carries the whole reputation of a band. And it will be one for the ages, mark my words. 


"ST60" Update

-Did my Fruit Diet

-Ate very little today

-Measured at 62kg this morning, a bit disappointed, but I will shred it off

-hope tomorrow run 10k instead of 7.4k. Hate the route but will use it to train my stamina and speed...


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