Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Succumbing to temptation

Hey, it's a fine Sunday afternoon. Was about to do a long-d run today, but since I'm meeting ky later, I shall postpone it to tomorrow. 

Yesterday was quite memorable man. Yup, it was the National Day 2010 Preview show, and I must say, it was a blast! I did the second shift this time, and knowing that it would be my final time enjoying the show segment of the parade, I wanted to cherish it more. Everything was upscaled yesterday; from the performances to the lighting effects to the fireworks. Of course, it was the preview so things had to be up there, like the actual one itself. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the parade, even though I was still maintaining vigilant throughout. The most difficult part is not looking at the astonishing fireworks display when it went off, haha. Two particular moments I remembered the most was the countdown to the songs segment (I think) where the 500 strong choir did the changing display. Everyone was coordinated and shouted with so much enthusiasm! The second was the highlight of the night for me; yes, it was when Kit Chan, the actual Kit Chan took the arena to sing the classic NDP song, "Home". Wow, that moment was reminiscence of my childhood/primary school days, and even though I was on duty I can't help but feel touched by it. It was just...wonderful. And not to mention the "Robo-Warriors" doing the funny dance and ending with our own MPs shooting the mini-fireworks out of the rifles into the air...that part was splendid also. Though they are still not coordinated, LOL. I'm glad I took that shift yesterday, it was worth it. Although I'll miss out on it for the actual NDP. But I'll be doing the Parade segment, which is cool also. Can't have everything right? 

Ok, so talking bout' NDP...which brings me to what happened backstage. Simply put, the FOOD. Holy-mother-of-earth yesterday, being the second most important show, the FOOD was INSANE! It was like they wanted all performance to be in super high morale and energized by providing us with so much GOURMET food!!! I can't imagine the calorie count yesterday!!!

A List, which I painstakingly took down, of what I ate. This is scary.

-KFC drumstick, 1

-KFC thigh, 1

-KFC Mash Potato, 1

-KFC egg tart, 1

-KFC bread, 1

-Wintermelon packet drink, 2

-Coffee, 1 cup

-Mentos, approx. 2 tubes

-Small lemon biscuits, 3

-hotdog, 2

-pastry, 1

-chicken piece, 1

-mash potato, 1

-yakult, 1

-apple juice packet, 2

-fish nugget, 1

-mini-snickers, 2

This is like 2x fattening of what I eat daily...like WTF?! BUT. There was no effin' way I could not eat them! This was beyond my tolerance level! Food, junk food, I might add, was EVERYWHERE. And because I've not taken so much junk food for weeks already, I could not take it anymore. I melted down, and I just ate and ate, without a thought about the consequences. I've never indulged like that for a LOOOOONG time already, trust me. Wow. And to think that there was even extra KFC snacks and chicken that they throw to us again after dinner. (Heng I never eat) Crazy la...

And I kept having this naggin feeling my weight was going up the roof and I was quite right. This afternoon when I woke up, my weight was at 62.1kg. Srsly, sad. IF I HADN'T DONE THE 15K RUN THE DAY BEFORE...IMAGINE THE BRICK WALL I'M GONNA HIT...

But so much so for the fun. Now it's time to go back to serious training! As I said, today supposed to do a long-d but I'm short of time. So will probably do a HIIT instead. *Shivers* Why? Ladies and Gentlemen, High Instensity Interval Training is P-A-I-I-N man...no matter how many times you do it...you will never get used to it...Argh...

Alright, I will most likely do a long-d tomorrow, expect it to be longer than 15k. Gonna run now, literally. Cya!


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