Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Calm before the Storm...

Slacking...life is as such for now. I can literally say, we are absolutely doing nothing right now in my new unit. All the stuff are just refreshers; things we've already learnt before. And there is not much regimentation at all. If only life was so simple, huh?

NOPE. Next week, things are gonna change~! I think most of us know it already. Next week is gonna be OD. Oh my God. In case anyone doesn't know YET, OD = Suffering. Well, here we go again. Just like the endless outfields and physical activities and IPPT etc, this is just part of the endless pit stops we will encounter, and have to overcome in order to proceed to the next level of our journey. I believe we are all damn well rested and ready for it. Or are we? 2 hours standing parade is no joke, you know?

TALKING ABOUT "2 HOURS STANDING PARADE". I've got news. Ladies and Gentlemen, I, fortunately, or UNfortunately, got into ISTANA platoon! Srsly, I don't even feel like talking bout' it after those irritating fks keep suaning Istana plt and shit. I don't get what's so bad about it. But we will see, as time flies, will Istana really be as lifeless and boring as what is generally perceived. Although I must really say, it really, really, REALLY, REALLY SUCKS not to have a Warrant Card. To me, it really defeats the purpose of us being an MP, if we don't even have a Warrant Card to execute our duties when need be. Haix. 

Will be doing duty for NDP Rehearsal this Saturday! It will be a fun and enriching experience. Quite excited, as this will be the first time I'm deployed for real time ops. Somehow, I really hope *something* uncalled for happens so that I can see how much of an MP I really am. Will I flounder upon the situation, or will I rise up to the challenge?

Tomorrow is MPEU Cohesion Day...! Oh man, I find the idea of 100+++ man walking into Lido watching a movie to be amusingly absurd. I mean, come on! We don't need to spread the excessive Manliness of the SAF from camp to torture the open public, do we? And if it's just a movie, can't we just watch it in the audit? Need to spend so much just for this. LOL, really.

Try to control you're weight Lab, you're eating too much junk again. Yes, you know it, remember the inauspicious words you're getting from your friends. Plus the fact that you're going Istana. Heed these warning signs, OR I SWEAR TO YOU, YOU WILL GO BACK TO BEING YOU FAT AND UNHEALTHY 82.1kg/27%BF SELF AGAIN. You don't want that.

Hope the week ends well! 


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