Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, July 9, 2010

The dust has settled...what next?

Finally, the week has ended. Right now at this moment I'm feeling quite "seh" but not due to camp life being too shack, but cos' ytd didn't sleep well. Oh well. Anw this week is quite productive for my "ST60" (Read back) due to the frequent no. of times my body went through physical activities. 

Let's see, completed two runs (4.8km x2) and had some drills sessions. If you think, "How de hell drills can be called physical excercise", come to MPEU. Esp Istana. You'll know. And coupled with my semi-strict caloric intake, I've managed to weigh in at just below 63kg this morning. This is a much better improvement shown. Finally I've gotten back to serious "Cutting". But then, I've not really made it a must to consume only healthy food; I just made do by eating anything I wanted, (bar Fastfood, or course) but keeping within caloric limits. 

Oh yes, I must also keep reminding myself to STOP taking sweetened drinks for the while. I've realised it plays a really big role in cutting and especially so if I want my abs to show. Damn, if only I had NOT drank the milk tea AND cordial this morning...Grrrrr.

Half day off today! That's why I'm having time to post. 

Nothing special is happening right now in my life, and I think it will remain this way for a while. Just want to focus on my cutting phase right now...once I get it over with I will start to do up my preparation for ADM course? Big if here. 

NDP Cr4 tomorrow! Hope my new position is more "lifely". 

Take care everyone.

QOTD: Only when one stops being complacent, will he proceed to the next level of greatness.


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