Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, July 26, 2010

Lab's To-do List 2010

Shit...I'm dead tired. Literally lying on my bed now while typing...I don't even have the energy or mood to post but I have to...if not I'll regret. Life is too short for regrets... Though I am sacrificing my precious SLEEP...the time is ticking away...less than 6 hours of sleep...and reducing. Let's finish this quick, k?

Basically the whole day spent outside, at mac chilling. Watching Liar game these few days...epic show man. I love it la. Though I think season 2 is ending too quickly. Should increase the episodes la, 9 is too little. I CANNOT wait to see the movie. Liar Game: Final Round. Wa...after seeing the Trailer, makes me so excited, like a little fanboy sia. Akiyama-Kun showing emotions? Holy shit this I gotta watch!

Then at night went to watch "Ong Bak 3". Totally disappointing man. And to think I was quite excited when they showed the trailer. Duh...regret watching LOL. 

Anyway, main point for this post. I must list down priorities now in my blog, for the near future, lest I forgot. 


1) Clear MP3 and input new songs. Create playlist consisting of all soothing songs. 

2) Take up a hobby, a new sport, something, during this remaining months in Army. 

3) Quickly buy contacts and tights once I get next months pay.

4) Continue to save $$$.

5) Start saving bits and pieces for new Asics shoe. 

6) Complete Full Marathon, under 5 hours if possible. 

That's all for now. Will update progress slowly. 

Alright, time to listen to some soothing songs and SLEEP~~~


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