Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, July 16, 2010

Orientation Drill is Ending!

Yea...my favourite time of the week. Friday! Excellent. It feels extra good this weekend because we finally got over a shack week. As I posted, it was OD week and boy, it is really quite tiring. 


From 15 mins, to 30 mins, to 45 mins...it is always damn tough to stand still with a SAR-21 for long periods of time. You have to be mentally tough to get through. But as always, tough times do not last, tough men do. How true. 

Ok, I took ATTN B for one and a half days, but still went through two full days of training, so I'm not just empathizing with the pain that everyone goes through, ok?

But as fate would have it, I seemingly have to do extra work to make up for missing the earlier sessions. I actually volunteered to be the timer. Simply put, being the timer is a hard, yet thankless job. Everyone expects you to keep the time and ensure the coodination of the whole platoon, as if it was your obligation. You just can't screw up. And if you do, you will be struck down but a thousand and one criticism so harsh, you won't be able to take it. But, I knew what I was going for, and I just took the shit. I don't care, I know it would be so much better having me instead of someone else being timer. For the greater good, huh?

I went to buy around $10 worth of fruits, namely bananas, grapes and a honeydew just now. I want to start my "Fruit Diet". This morning, my weight was slightly more than 62kg, and I felt quite annoyed. I mean, the dinner I had the night before was carefully picked, and definitely not too filling at all. Maybe it was water weight, I don't know. But luckily, this morning had CPFA, our unit run. We were supposed to do 7.4km this time, due to the "Progressive training" thing. So we ran...to me 7.4 was ok, nothing much since I've done more but surprisingly, I felt quite shack throughout the run. I think it was attributed to a few reasons: Me chasing a super fit guy, my illness not fully healed, trail route and maybe insufficient preparation. It all came down hard on me, and I definitely did not feel comfortable running that 7.4km. I had to stop three times and consume endless amount of water to ease my run. It was quite a challenge, many a times I really thought of giving up. How the hell...it was only 7.4km...I have to say, this will be a one-off thing. I can't be so weak if I want to complete marathons man!

Tomorrow is NDP NE2! Somehow I got a bad feeling about tomorrow, like things will screw up. I don't know why. =/ Hopefully not. 

Ok, I am going to enjoy my night outside, see you on my next post!


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