Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Life is a Marathon

Yea, it definitely is. Just last week I was quite uplifted by my incredible drop to 61kg. But who knew, in the space of a few days I'm back to 63kg. It really shows that in whatever you do, if you become complacent and stop working hard, you will suffer the consequences. It never stops until you die. Life that is. So essentially life is a freaking long marathon, and we must continuously push ourselves in order to keep improving. 

No more crap bout' weight loss, will only touch on the this weekend. If I post results now, I'll only feel more disappointed. Anyways, this week is quite physically demanding. Tomorrow is CPFA, don't know how many km, and then after that is IPPT on Thursday. I'm seriously contemplating whether to just aim for a pass for this IPPT, as it's only for determining whether you go into RT of not. In which a pass would already suffice. I am really quite shack out, and I don't feel like cheonging for GOLD. It's not worth it la, simply put. I'm concentrating on my marathon training now and you boom come out one IPPT in the middle of nowhere...what is this?? Sunday I still gotta run a damn 15km man, as promised to CH. I think I will really just go with a silver or pass...slowly run...enjoy myself. No pressure. No need to risk unnecessary injuries by putting in so much effort for a almost useless IPPT. 

Already signed up for my first race yesterday; the NEW BALANCE REAL RUN 2010. It will be on 17/10, 15km men's open. I really like the fact it's a three pronged terrain, if interested can go check it out on their website. It's relatively more fun and interesting compared to other races this year. Everyone should be encouraged to join. Anyway, I'm not just gonna run for this. Since I'm entering into a new era of my life, so called "Marathon Era", I am going to join even more races. I have particularly in mind the Nike Human Race, Newton Run, AHM etc. Quite disappointed I'm too late for the Standard Chartered Race this year, as it will be the most high profile and biggest running event of the year. Never mind, will try again next year!

Progression...that's what is required to prepare adequately for a full marathon. Even though currently I'm light years away from it, I will still slowly but surely ascend my way to one. I just have to keep doing 10km runs from now on, and gradually increase the distance AND speed. This is so important; I'm glad I got precious info like this from the experienced marathoner I met yesterday. I still have a long way to go man...

Sianx, tomorrow is OD TEST. Don't know how strict the examiner is going to be...I am semi-confident. I know everything there is to know about drills, but my one habit may just kill me tomorrow. Horsekick. SHIT man, I really can't help it. I've been doing this for how many monkey years liao, I mean, the "Horsekick" of mine is STRICTLY not really horsekick, it's just 90 degree but with horsekick motion. It's not the pathetic horsekick where lazy peeps just lift their legs to the back and put down. It's not. But wth, that version of mine was what NPCC taught me, and was the STANDARD in NPCC. But no, it's not what SAF wants! SAF wants the "lift up 90 degree WITH legs protrude out and toes pointing straight". I can say truthfully I'm not used to that motion at all. This is so frustrating...90 degree jiu 90 degree can liao ma...what's the big diff...and it's not horsekick lor...it's just my style...damn it. 

Whatever. This week is F-ed up. 

With that, I'll end and go eat somemore to increase my weight to 82.1kg. =) HAH. 

just kidding.


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