Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

*SNAP*, Just like that.


Sometimes, it's just little things that suddenly give you that motivation. I was scanning through threads on HWZ just now...guess what? One particular thread swept away all my troubles of weight loss now and renewed my passion and hunger for running. It was about this US Navy Seal, David Goggins. See what he does daily for yourself. I am deeply inspired by him, his will, his passion, his psychology on life etc. 

Doesn't that make you feel pumped and ready to go out there, change to your running gear, and burn some rubber? I know it has sure made me feel this way. 

It's like suddenly, my illness all vanished in an instant. I feel like doing every single marathon starting from today. So I went to search about the upcoming marathons such as Nike Human Race and Netwon Run. I hope to be participating especially in these two, and I hope people do join me. Like David Goggins, I want to see my limits, my TRVE limits, and see how far I can actually push. 

Right now, IPPT is next week. If I can picture myself getting GOLD, I can get it. Will this be the one, that I finally get GOLD...?

Two more days to the end of the week. Schedule: Two more days of OD, Friday run, Friday Gym (?). Then Saturday NDP Duty again. I've taken ATTN B for the past one and a half days now...so tomorrow and friday I'll have to suffer through the standing parades and drills like everyone. I hope this new-found motivation will keep me going, destroy every single negative feeling I get. 

YEA, my Battery has been recharged!

QOTD: Smashing through the boundaries, Lunacy has found me, Cannot stop the battery!



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