Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, July 3, 2010

How Time Flies!

Just got back from NDP duty....quite drained out of my energy now. There's absolutely nothing interesting to post about regarding my work there...I was supposedly positioned at the best place to view the parade; the rooftop, but I could not see a single shit cos' from every single angle were huge barricades blocking my view. And worse, I missed the fireworks since my shift wasn't on when they started it. Toot sia.

Oh great. Argentina lost to Ze Germans! Bah...my last little bit of hope left for a team that I actually am quite fond of has been knocked out...Why the hell are the Germans so damn powerful this year?? It always happens like this man. The lower profile teams step up as the tournament progresses, while those overhyped media favourites always, ALWAYS get pwned in the Quarter Finals. But this shouldn't come as that BIG of a surprise, really. Ze Germans are freaking good at major tournaments like this --- don't forget they are actually THREE time champs. 

So...Lab's prediction is still ON!!!

Hmm...been reading back on previous posts. Wow. I was way happier then, why? Am I really becoming darker, or just pretending to be darker? One of the posts really shook me up; the one titled "How the Fat became the Fit". I'm relieved, to say the least, that the most important picture in my life is still intact, and within my possession. That pic that showed my changes from 72.1kg to 61.7kg is serious motivating stuff man. DAMN! I don't believe I can actually motivate myself! You know you're wayyy due a freaking solid Cut. When the Fark are you actually going to start? 





Or have you actually lost it? Are you only capable enough, at present, to hang on to your current weight? Or will you surge beneath and pull out that inner persona, regain that hunger and desire, to once again complete another successful body transformation? Think about it. Don't type just for the sake of it man! 

You already have an aim: 60kg.

Just waiting for YOURSELF to start. 


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