Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lab Presents: Songs by Jay Chou you never knew!

First and foremost, I am super glad to say that yesterday's IPPT was CANCELLED, yes CANCELLED due to bad weather. This is really a big in-your-face LOL! It's not cos' of the dreadful thought of having to take IPPT that made us so happy it was cancelled. No. How shall I put it...Karma? You see, these organisers failed to transmit info properly, and in the end gave some unreasonable instructions which was totally unnecessary. And all for their convenience. Never mind if you don't get it, those who do can le. Serves them right the IPPT was cancelled. 

So...yesterday became another totally "Zhuo Bo" day...I hate it man. I'm like wasting my life in camp doing absolutely nothing. Can't they just let us off if there's nothing on? Haix. One thing that filled ours minds ytd though, was whether we were getting our full-day off today. It was a classic case of cat and mouse game...we tried to catch him but he was uncontactable; then in the end some third party did the dirty work for us and finally, we got the news that our well deserved day off today was confirmed. Heng ar, don't have to book in today =). So theoretically means FOUR days of freedom until TUESDAY, W00T! Though Saturday still must mount for NDP, but to me, NDP is FUN, so doesn't matter. 

Okay, I slept like a pig from ytd to today, clocking around 16 hours LOL. All the accumulated lack of sleep I guess. Did another 10km this morning. I ain't gonna make it sound like some achievement cos' it really isn't. And it musn't be if I am to start training for marathons, cos' then, 10km will be the norm to train for. 

Ok after all that, gonna post some interesting stuff that I've been checking out these few days. Yep, it's all about Jay Chou's songs composed for other artists that many people don't know about. Hopefully more people now know about his genius after I intro some of the better songs that he has composed for other artists. You will be surprised and be in awe of this guy. 

1) 梁靜茹 - 失憶

2) 罗志祥 - 自我催眠

3) S.H.E - 候鳥

4) 陳奕迅 - 淘汰

5) 郭富城 - 愛情

6) 溫嵐 -  祝我生日快樂

7) 溫嵐 - 夏天的风

8) 南拳妈妈 - 瓦解 

9) 蔡依林 - 倒带

10)  蔡依林 - 你怎么连话都说不清楚

11) 徐若瑄 - 面具

12) 陳小春 - 獻世

13) 李玟 - 刀马旦

14) 溫嵐 - 北斗星

15) 吴宗宪 - 你比从前快乐

16) 吴宗宪 -屋顶

17) S.B.D.W - 世界末日 

...And a hell lot of other songs. No time to post them all. But I'm willing to share! Go to http://asianfanatics.net/forum/topic/327673-music-list-of-songs-jay-chou-composed-for-other-singers/ if you want to see a comprehensive list. 

That's all from me today! Update on "ST60" tomorrow. Hope I don't binge tomorrow...


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