Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sometimes, too fast is not GOOD.

Ok, I didn't expect this coming. I am sick again. Cough, sore throat, flu...

And it's ironical really, judging from the fact that I've been physically very active these past few weeks. I guess I know the reason why I've fell sick. 

I pushed myself TOO hard.

Yes, during my "ST65" where I lost 20kg in a mere 3 months, I never fell sick during that period at all. But this time things have changed. The environment has changed, the circumstances, the food I eat, the way I work, everything has changed. No longer was I doing things at my own pace ala during last year. This time I was trying to lose weight too quickly, without factoring in important stuff like my training schedule, my resting time, my food intake etc. Not that much anyway. I mean, I was not just trying to lose weight, I was actually trying to lose weight under a very stressful situation, with being in MPEU and all, and not to FORGET, the negative effects of the World Cup fever. Take for instance, on WC Finals day itself, I woke up in the afternoon, had wanton mee and some snacks, like literally junk food, starved, yes starved all the way till evening, went for a 8km run, continued starving all the way till 2.30am, then guess what? I didn't even take in solid food then; I went to gorge myself with sweetened drinks, jelly, yogurt to fill my stomach. If I didn't think about the consequences thoroughly then, I must be suffering from it right now. This sucks!

So morale of the story? Don't try to lose weight too quickly, especially if you're daily schedule is not under your control. This leads to other complications that affects work, friends, etc. Had to see MO and take leave today cos' of this. Good thing is I can pon OD for a while. But I really feel quite shitty. 

So now that I'm sick, it simply means I can't do physical activities for the next few days until I'm ok. Ultimately I know, it will mean I gain weight this week. I HATE THIS. But what can I do. I did not want this. 

But as always, my weight fluctuates during times like this. Either I gain or lose weight. So by this Saturday morning, I will check my weight again. If it's 62-63, then good, I maintained. If it's 64kg, fucking hell...., if is below 62kg, I will be damn happy. And I will hit 60 the week after. Cos' I will definitely have no exercise, and this might lead to unexpectedly high weight gain. Bah...couldn't care less...just want to get of this period quickly...



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