Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

For my enrichment only...

Holy crap, my blog sucksss now. =/ What can I do, when camp life is so slow and mundane. Practically did NOTHING again today! Another day of doing nothing! Again! Ironically I can't wait to mount for Istana. Schedule's out, and I'll be starting soon... 

I have to do something, anything. To occupy my life. Seriously, I am damn free now compared to my peers. With my 8-5 schedule and Istana posting, I am literally gonna do next to nothing for my remaining NS liability. Except on days when I have to do ceremonial, security etc. But those are few and far between. I've always pushed away the need to spent time wisely, due to the fact that my schedule was always "not stable". Even when I got posted to a 8-5 unit, I still tried convincing myself that my schedule was "not stable". Not now. I think it should end now. It is freaking TOO stable and lax such that I am throwing away precious free time again. (like I did for the past THREE years.) Damn it... 

So, how will it go? 

Tomorrow's gonna be quite busy I forsee, with the CPFA, OD test, collection of No.1 Uniform and possibly NDP briefing. Will be quite shack out if don't adjust my mindset properly, especially after these few weeks of slack. 

I am already fully recovered from my 12k-run last Sunday. I feel damn energized and pumped and ready to go, so for tomorrow's 4.8k CPFA, I must aim for a good timing. No excuses really, this one is important to gauge my true speed. I hope I can get below 25min or 23min, but we'll see. Hope no stitches or cramps, as always. 

If there's anything that's been occupying my free time now, it'd be listening to Jay Chou's songs. Addicted to some Wen Lan songs by him... Quite hooked to 933 nowadays too, I enjoy listening to it while doing long-d, very wierd but interesting experience. In camp, I'll be playing Pokemon, chilling, sharing Metal, (YES ONE GUY ACTUALLY LISTENS TO METAL) etc. At home, it's Liar Game, the noose, Hardwarezone, stuff like that. 

This is the kind of things I do for entertainment nowaways. Don't need me to tell you how wasteful it is. LOL. 

Sarcasm at myself how sad...

Fighting console fans, cream yourself over this;

QOTD: When you're happy, you must live. When your sad, you must live. So why not live happily for the rest of your life?

                                                                                                                            -By a Joker Aquaintance. 


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