Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, July 5, 2010

To the next level.

Ok, I feel the time is right. After so many months and weeks of lingering around my comfortable weight of 64kg, I think it's really due time I finally start another "Cut". 

Seriously, I don't fuck care what everyone is saying; such as me being already at a satisfactory weight, or me needing to bulk up more, or whatnot. I will decide for myself, and I've already known for a long time that I need to lose more weight, in order to become fitter. I seriously ponder, do people tell me NOT to lose anymore weight because they really think I'm lean enough, or are they thinking of something else? I don't get it; FACT is I AM still having quite a substantial amount of FATS covering my abs, I am not even at 8% bodyfat, and I am still not achieving that level of fitness that I want. So I really find it absurd, when I get all these "Oh your weight is ok already..bla bla" stuff. I appreciate it...then again, nope, I really don't. 

Is this gonna be a successful cut, or am I just gonna lose it halfway; worse, will I even fail to start? 

This is a problem, cos' I am having ZERO motivation to slim down now. I have really lost that anger and desire that have so helped me lose 20 odd kilograms in the previous year. I am only relying on that fact that I need this to attain IPPT Gold (Which I will only take next year, BTW), and just feeding on trying to become better than everyone I know or seen before. But these sort of "Pseudo-Motivations" tend to come and go; they aren't strong enough to keep me focused, and sadly to say, they are not really important enough to make me go, "I MUST lose weight to get THIS." 

So after explaining so much, bottomline is will I actually get my act together? Yes, I have already starting to run and gym again, but will I be consistent, that is the key question. I am at 64kg now, which is quite a blessing, cos' I could have easily shot up to 70kg during my time in MPTS. I am in a very favourable position right now, which is good. Makes things easier. Damn it, I should capitalize on this advantage man. It's only 4 kilograms, but it will be hard to lose. 

My ultimate aim now is to hit a perfect 60.0kg. At this weight, I should be able to hit chin ups - 15, SBJ - 234, and 2.4km 9.44min. Don't ask me why, but I just know. However, this will not be an easy task. It was quite seamless when I kept losing kg after kg when I was still in my 70s, but from experience, I have hit plateaus before. One being at 73kg, and the other at 65kg. I had to aquire the skill of interval training for breaking the 70kg barrier, and for breaking 65kg, I had to control my calories to the highest precision. So this cut now will require more than that. It's gonna be tough...It's gonna be painful. 

But as always, I like to say this: "Bite the PAIN!". 

Tomorrow shall be the start of my new CUTTING PHASE! It will be called ST60, and if successful, I will see myself proceed to the next level of my physical fitness! 

There will not be any more postings of what I'll eat, or running schedules etc. I have it all inside my brain. From now, when I post about the cut, it will only be RESULT, RESULTS and more RESULTS. No more slacking, play time is over. Time for a change...

BTW, I am really paranoid of what will happen this week. Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri is a big BLUR. I don't like it when I don't know what's happening. Supposedly to have OD, but I don't think so cos' we are so busy with ops. Hmm...there were talks bout' staying in I heard...will this week be another chillax one, or will we suffer through an unexpectedly Xiong week...I don't know. 

Enough of blogging, time to rest. Camp life resumes tomorrow!

QOTD: Sometimes, things happen for a reason.


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