Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Raising the Bar

Alright, I woke up very late today. It's not what I planned, but heck, I was having duty yesterday. I hope my weight doesn't increase due to the binging yesterday...but even if it does, I am gonna burn all of it today.

In a while's time, I'm gonna attempt my first 12+ km run. Yes, I've never ever covered more than 10km before, but this time, I must try. Since I'm going for marathons soon, I must start training. This is quite serious. If only I put so much effort to my god damn studies. But that aside, I must finish this distance today. I've thought long and hard, where the fk to run more than 10km. In the end, I just decided to go with the simplest route, so as not to complicate things up. The aim today is really not timing, but to see if I can complete the 12+ km. This will be the base for future runs. I am setting aside two hours, yes that long, to finish this. No pressure on the timing, but mentally, I must adjust for this kind of distance. Visually, this is the route I'm taking.

It will be starting from blk 408, then straight all the way following the expressway, all the way to west coast park entrance, then U-turn back all the way to Pandan Resevoir, then up the resevoir, take one whole round, and end. Total distance is about 12.5km. 

Phew...this is quite a daunting task for someone like me who hasn't experienced long-d before. But thinking of all the n00bs who look weak but can actually finish marathons, I have to finish this. And not to forget the motivation great people like John Stone and David Goggins has given me. 

I'm only going to take my weight after my run, so I'm ending here first; will be back in 2 hours time!


*Update (Night)

Shit man, on the run. I started on the resevoir instead, but did not complete the whole run. Reason: it was fking raining. Already drizzling when I was running the resevoir. I did not want to get sick over this, so I halted my run halfway. Pretty disappointed...and that after tt 6km I did not feel like continuing...not totally cos' of the rain...cos' I wasn't mentally strong enough...

But leave that for another day. Hit the gym in the evening, lost another few pounds. Took my final weight total after workout. 


Finally, I've hit the 60 benchmark. Finally Finally Finally. 

Ok, 1 solid kilogram to kill off...I must do it. 

Yea man, everyone enjoy your 125th anniversary while I perfect myself physically...there is no end to this journey. 

Tomorrow is still my off...so shiok. This is a good life...

But, the nagging feeling of me not having surpass the 10km mark is still very prominent at the back of my head...it will not disappear unless I finally break it...

Damn it...


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