Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Wow, I didn't expect to jinx myself when I said today was gonna be tough. I don't mean physically, but it was a tough gym session mentally, a tough pill to swallow.

I was judged on my poor form and looked down upon on my capabilities. I won't forget the comments. I won't forget the smirk look.

In any scenario, I would be beaten down and discouraged. But no, my character through army has evolved into something bigger. So I will not allow myself to be disheartened because they think I'm a scrawny little guy or because of my poor form.

THANK YOU, because all of you idiots are just FUEL, fuel for me to improve. Please, PLEASE, P-L-E-A-S-E insult me and laugh at me more because everything you do, I will train harder, I will bust my ass more in order to overtake you. Thanks!

But seriously, today's gym session is only 70% complete because of the lack of facilities in Delta Clubfitt. I will not go there again for a long time.

Anyway, time to prepare my chicken then sleep.

Countdown at night, maybe?

Protein intake: 243g

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bulk Day One: RESTART

Ok, so I'm 90% recovered from my flu and cough, which was horrible for the past five days. An update, I've been constantly Gyming for the past month three times a week and I think I'm learning a lot of new things. The key point to highlight is that I'm doing compound lifts now, (deadlift, squats) instead of being a curlbro. I know that will help in my mass gains. Feels like I've been enlightened on the actual workings of how to body build. The past few years that I've been going to gym were all either useless or not very effective, because I wasn't hitting correctly and I didn't have the ''gym psychology". But it's ok, now I know, and with so many peers around me doing the same thing, I am ready to maintain and overtake them.

There's only one month left before school starts. I've hoped, or rather I thought it would start at Jan 1 but no, it actually starts on 30th. Which basically leaves me with another month to utilize. It's good and bad, but I guess I just have to follow suit.

Today I'm not gyming since I already did yesterday, so I'll focus very much on the nutrition. So far it's as planned, 3 eggs and 2 slices of bread in the morning, and YTF for lunch. I need to cook my chicken breast also.

*comes back from taking chicken out of fridge and drinking my whey*

What. If I didn't blog I'd probably have forgotten to do those. Oh my god. Anyway I already commited the first mistake which is forgetting to restock my chicken this morning!!! Now I'm only left with I think half a breast (sad) but anyway I'll just cook it and maybe have a heavier dinner.

That's pretty much it, will update numbers tonight, hopefully.

Total: 211.9g protein

Anyway for tomorrow, day two, will most probably hit the gym for B plus lats/biceps/chest. It's gonna be very tough tomorrow.

PLAB series: 15 Day Fast Bulk

Now's the time. The second intense part of this long transformation. Ok, so we started with the 10 day challenge, which was quite successful, if not we won't we here blogging part 2 now. The 10 days was a good start to discipline me and get me back into the game, so to speak.

Ok enough time wasting, let's detail some stuff down. Current weight 70 kg. start around 67+ I believe, so I've made good progress. Even though I may seem fatter now but cutting the fat should be no prob for me. The important thing is to build mass.

Ok so from tml until 15 days later the diet and training will be as strict as possible, even if I have to work. Food control and especially protein intake must be followed and monitored closely. Some new stuff I will try, like fish. Many old tried and proven stuff I'll keep, like chicken and milk. Gym sessions will no doubt be effective and planned. There's not much time left before sch starts on 30th jan do I have to take this time to do as much as I can.

Ok blogging on iPhone is very tough, so we'll start with Day One tml!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

What Da Hell

I am conditioned to yawn when I hear YHYL

Unconditioned stimulus=sleepy
Unconditioned response=yawn

Conditioned stimulus=YHYL
Conditioned response=yawn


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Proj LabMONSTER Day 10

Finally 10 days has passed since I started this 'challenge'. Did my physique change? Not really. Maybe a tiny bit, nothing significant. But the important thing is to continue doing it. That's why the title is not Proj LabMONSTER=THE END. Everyday's gonna be Proj LabMONSTER for the foreseeable future now.

Quite laid back today, didn't really exercise at all (save for a few pushups/pull ups). Omg my no. of pull ups now is so pathetic it's really demoralizing.

Scrambled for frozen chicken breasts today, and i guess I'm lucky. At first I went to check online to see if there are any wholesale shops selling cheap poultry. Stumbled across this MMMM! and I figured it was the shop at WCP which I've went to before. So I checked their web and they actually sold frozen chicken breasts @ only $12.50 for 2kg, which is way cheaper than ALL supermarkets in SG. But to order online you need minimum $100 purchase and that it just too much. My first reaction is I need some bro which is enthu enough to cheong with me so that we can bulk buy together, but is there anybody..? Because chicken breast is compulsory for bodybuilding; it's like the Christians need the bible, I'm sure everyone knows that?

Anyway I thought they'd have it at their shop though so I made trip down. However gut feeling told me they won't have it there cos' I believe I did check it out last time I went. Not to much surprise there really wasn't. So went to cold storage, but it was the same old 800g @ $9.30 fresh chicken breast. Decided to take a chance and headed to clementi fairprice instead. And LUCKILY the fairprice there had the precious breasts in stock. (it's a 50/50 thing, I assure) @ $7.90 for 1kg is relatively cheap (remember for chicken breast the $1/100g rule) and I was out of alternatives anyway. So just hooted 2 packs together with some KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce (after watching Ronnie Coleman). Saw a gem; eyeround steak @ $1.69/100g (promotion) and wanted to impulse buy but decided against it since my schedule for next week (LAST WEEK TO ORD) is pretty crap. But since the offer lasts till' 30/11 I might just rush down again on Wed to get myself some, thank you very much.

Well, the KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce was pretty darn good I must say. Makes my tasteless unsalted chicken breast taste like restaurant standard stuff(exaggerating much?).

Not gonna post diet blah blah all those, just total numbers from now on.

protein=185.4g (probably more)
fats=56g (probably more)

Oh my god...I didn't control my fat intake today..

A revelation to me=chicken rice has 44g fats WHAT DA HELL?!  And the past few days I was eating one meal of chicken rice per day? Wow. There might be more miscal than I think.

But the protein part I've been quite picky so I'm pretty sure my protein numbers are good. Most of the time I'll underestimate, to be safe.

Alright, end of day 10, learn alot of things, feel like back to ST65, not much changes to body, but

It's the start..hopefully more people will join me.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Proj LabMONSTER day 9

One more day left. Even if I hadn't any significant changes I have learnt a lot more about bodybuilding...

No need to care about the haters...haters gonna hate, but I'll show them...

Today's gym work was fierce! Me and my spotter really pushed ourselves to the limit..

Did mainly chest and arms today. It was very productive and certainly the toughest of all the gym sessions I've went to in the past 9 days. Kudos to my spotter man, always training hard and keeping positive!

Finally got to eat my steak today @ bukit timah hawker centre. Delicious. Might have just increased my craving for it tough. Can't get enough of meat!! I've ran out of chicken again. Have to scramble again to find cheap, frozen chicken breasts. Do I really have to go to the wet market to have a look...?

Diet today (quite sick of doing this already =.=)

Meal 1
wholemeal bread 1 pcs 61.5/3.25/12/0.65
whole egg x2 147/12/0.8/10
egg white x2 68/6/0/0.2

Meal 2

30g whey 120/25/2/1
1x banana 105/1/27/0.4

Pre/post workout
30g whey 120/25/2/1
skimmed milk (250 ml) 90/9.8/12.3/0.1

Meal 3
black pepper steak 122g=250/28.1/4/14
beans 150g =112.5/7.05/20.4/0.3
fried wedges =263/3.8/43.2/7.5
sugar cane juice=84/0/21/0

Meal 4
chicken breast 1 portion=165/31/3/3.6
oil+sauce +100 kcal
1 whole egg 73.5/6/0.4/5
1 egg white 34/3/0/0.1

Meal 5dcdc
unicurd 142/5.6/24.7/2.3

Before sleep
30g whey 120/25/2/1


Macro ratio (%)

No...carbs>protein again. But on the bright side protein level 197g (highest so far) which is good progress. Damn tired and lazy to blog, so CYA for tomorrow's evaluation. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Two more days..to the end of 10 days challenge, and book in day =S. LOL but it'll be my last week of being a dumb NSF YEA =D

No gym today. But read about nutrition alot. I figured I'm really not taking enough food that's why progress is slow. For my weight I need 2300 kcal to maintain and 2744 to build muscle. That's really hard to hit. Hard because to eat clean and hit this number. If not everyone would be looking ripped. That's the toughest and most crucial part of have a good physique - nutrition. Like 40% training 60% nutrition.

Still can't hit even 2700 clean today...it's really quite hard for me now. Ever since my weight loss I believe my appetite has shrunk a lot. Another thing is, I keep thinking I'm too heavy for my stature. I've notice people say that too. Now I begin to wonder, it is because of my legs? I must be cos' I have larger than average legs (due to soccer) and probably heavy ass bones too. Because my body can be thinner than other's my weight and even those 60-65kg people. And from 65-68 my 'shape' hasn't changed at all; I still look the same with my usual clothes. Although the gain around my waist is quite significant (29-31). But the fact is, most of the extra weight is probably on my legs. If I had say, normal sized legs then maybe I'd drop a pound or two. So conclusion is I can't compare my weight with others because that's what I always try to do. Somebody who is 65kg compared to me 68kg might not have much difference but it's in the legs. So I can say I have a '65kg' body if we put it that way. That means my big fear of stepping over 70kg might not be justified at all. Maybe I NEED to step over 70 to finally see the big arms I desire.

Anyway been troubling over how to get bigger yet lower your body fat %. And the rule is simpler than I thought. Normally it's 40/40/20, but if I want bigger muscles and lower fat % I'd need to adjust the ratio to something like 30/60/10. I.e, increase protein intake, lower carbs, lower fat. Obviously this is not enough I  because we still need to take cardio into account, but that is not a problem for me and cardio isn't the top of my worries now.

As the days go by, we'll try to improve step by step.

Oh and yes, nutrition wise I'm counting everything now - fats, kcal, carbs and protein. It's troublesome as hell but it's a necessity for my goals and besides, keeping track of stuff keeps me motivated and shows progression.

Meal 1 (kcal/protein/carbs/total fats)
30g whey= 120/25/2/1
1x banana= 105/1/27/0.4

Meal 2
1x chicken breast (200g)= 162/30.07/5.85/2.62
whole egg x2= 147/12/0.8/10
egg whites x2= 68/6/0/0.2

Meal 3
1x yakult (100g)= 75/1.3/17/0.1
1x chicken breast (200g)= 162/30.07/5.85/2.62

Meal 4
1x tau pok= 89/3/2/8
3x fish ball= 100/9/9/3
2x fish cake= 60/8/1/1
bee hoon (100g)= 354/6.4/81/0.5

Meal 5
wholemeal bread 1 slice= 61.5/3.25/12/0.65
chocomalt uht milk (250 ml)= 210/11/27/6

Meal 6
30g whey= 120/25/2/1 

Macro ratio (%)= 42.7/48.0/9.3

Wow, this is really troublesome to type out. I couldn't find a nutrition log for blogger...
Anyway I might has missed out some carbs and fats because of the butter I used to cook but it should be negligible. Hmm the ratio is ok but I'm way too high on the carbs side. This is what I mean. My achievable aim should be something like 50/40/10 or at least the protein must he higher than carbs, not the other way round. Hmmm...room for much improvements.

Tomorrow will be hitting the gym. I will try to eat a lot tomorrow since I will need the energy. Hope there's some improvement on my strength too.

In the near future; time for drastic changes.



Wow...r u serious, it's day seven already?? 7 days already passed? Felt like only 4.

I tired to wake up at 6am again but as usual, the sleepiness is unbearable. But I did get my ass up around 7 though, which is way better than last time. I remembered COURAGE WOLF "I AM TOO TIRED TODAY IS WHAT A FAGGOT WOULD SAY".

Change of venue today, went to JE clubfitt instead. Reached around 0815 and surprisingly I was the first few! Well later then I realised opening hours for thur was 0830. Wow imagine if I had gone at 7am I would have been waiting like n00b. So took the opportunity and went straight for the barbell bench press. However my body and mind was shack as hell. It is absurd to wake up so damn early, and hit some weights only like 1h30mins after you wake up. Blood hasn't even flow to your brain yet! I can only blame myself for my screwed up biological clock.

Generally did chest/lats/biceps today. I really want to start with the deadlifts and squats now but damn, it's too embarrassing. A skinny nerd with tiny arms trying to do advanced "bodybuilder" lifts? People will laugh.

So I guess I am quite desperate for a spotter/gym companion now. I need to go much heavier but I need a spotter especially for something like bench press. I dare not do heavy weights on that without a spotter. If I can't handle the weight, there might be some serious injury and loads of stares (happened to me before). A spotter is so important...and both will train much more efficiently.

*Edit/add in -- Oh, forgot to mention, I did some cardio too, on the elliptical machine. Didn't do much but it's better to get these in since I can't run for now*

Diet today was BOOOOOORING. Ate the same old foods and I'm getting sick of it. I have been craving for STEAK since yesterday. And I wanted to eat it today but $$$ problem again. $11 for a steak meal is not worth it and not feasible for the long run. That is why I was ranting about this issue yesterday. The damn meat shouldn't be a problem! Oh another thing, I actually lost weight which is not good (or maybe it is, I don't know for sure). Ahhhhhhh, stressing over food, I'm sad.

Here we go again: (adding calories this time)
breakfast- banana x1=105/1g
pre/post workout- 30g whey+250g skimmed milk=195/34.8g
lunch- chicken breast rice+meal=500/30g
          soya bean milk (388ml)=267/14g
snack- isojoy soya dessert=131/5.9g
dinner- chicken breast+egg(2?)+rice=600/42g
snack- 250g skimmed milk=75/9.8g
           2 packets munchys lexus peanut butter=98.5/2.6g
before sleep- 30g whey=25g
Total Calories=1971.5kcal
Total protein intake=165.1g

When I think of tomorrow's food I'm getting demoralised already. Chicken again??! Because I have to use up my remaining 400g of breast I bought before they expire. Oh man, I'm so craving for steak, just give me some BBQ steak already. Tired.



Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Proj LabMONSTER day 6!

It's that time to blog again..! I admit, blogging definitely helps me focus on my objective and makes me feel I've progressed (somewhat).

So it's day 6! (hands kinda trembling and uncoordinated due to bicep work minutes ago..)

Ok, first and foremost my diet is pretty good today. And I hit 180+g protein which is fabulous.

Managed to eat 6-7 meals today(portions) of high protein, low fat.

I guess I didn't have to worry about not being able to finish the chicken breast I bought yesterday; I already chomped down 400/800g (two breasts). And I've come to the realisation that in Singapore being a bodybuilder is a tough road. Namely because of our pathetic gyms and the limitations of our supermarkets. In a ideal world for bodybuilders, MEAT should be fresh, cheap and easily available. If not, they need to be able to bulk purchase frozen meat like chicken breasts and beef cuts. But for me, that is totally out of the question. In fact, I feel so pathetic when I have to stress over the price of beef cuts, or where can I get them in bulk. Maybe it's because I'm not financially capable to support my goals. But something like $2/100g for eye of round steak is just too expensive for me. This is a problem that shouldn't even exist. Is meat so expensive in places like Britain or US also?

Another thing is our gyms. Maybe the culture is not there yet. But public gyms in Singapore is way too small and the machines are so limited, it's a joke. Go have a look at US gyms and compare. And it's not like people don't workout in Singapore. Even on a weekday morning the public gyms are almost always full. In my last trip to Jurong West gym I had to WAIT god knows how long for the bench press, because there was ONLY ONE IN THE GYM! That is just sad. Go have a look around most clubfitt gyms in Singapore, they only have ONE of each machine. That's just sad. I bet in US the folks there can just go anytime of the day, and have no problems with limited number of machines. Haix, what's the use of complaining.

Also today, after half a year I guess, I went to do pull ups. Yea. And I could only do...not even gonna say cos' it's too embarrassing.

But keep improving, I will.

Alright let's post today's diet first.
breakfast-chicken breast (panfried) 250g=35g
                yakult x1=1.4g
lunch-chicken breast (panfried) 150g=30g
pre/post workout-30g whey+skimmed milk 250g=34.8g
snack-180g canned tuna chunks=24g
dinner-yong tau foo (again=.=)
           3x eggs=18g
           1x small tau kwa=8g
           1x fish slice=3g
           bee hoon=4g
pre/post workout-30g whey=25g
Total protein intake=183.2g

I don't care if I overtake, I just wanna gain muscle fast.

Hmm, I think I will hit the gym again tomorrow to work on chest/arms/lats/back and do CARDIO (not running but some other machine i can find).

Ok, see ya.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Proj LabMONSTER day 5..

Every day it gets tougher.

But finally, we are halfway there. 5/10 days. Today I think I finally faced some roadblocks. And today I felt the cravings. Like for example walking pass fairprice and seeing the milk tea @ only $2.25 for 2. I was damn tempted to just hoot. But we have to stay on the objective, even if just for these 10 days. So I had to suck thumb and ignore all the cravings. Although I had to get a cup of iced root beer (shiok) to keep my body in check if not once my cravings spill over, I will binge (yes I will) and bam, yo-yo effect, simple.

Tried my self made barbells today. Did some 'bench presses' and bicep work. I must say the tek koh is very fragile. And the weights (heavy bags) because they are not compressed, makes pressing them quite awkward and uncomfortable especially the heavier weights. But we have no choice but to improvise, so tek koh weights is a good substitute. It works. Not as effective, but it gets the work done. And no, I realised I cannot do barbell curls with it. The 'snapping' effect when I curl it to my body is extremely awkward and I'd be stupid to let it injure myself. So I could only use the only alternative; my other gigantic bag.

Ok, there is a BIT of improvement. Can see the veins more visibly now but as for size, maayybe they are bulging out a BIT more but no obvious size increase. When (if even) will I see them?

Oh yea, kinda screwed up my eating schedule today. Not the nutrition, but the timing. Somehow I was too lazy to eat (?) and kept on pushing meals back. Until I found out I have to stuff everything into dinner. That wasn't good at all. I felt bloated, low on energy and most of all didn't hit my target protein intake. Well, this is the first mistake I've made and I hope it's the last. I need to remind myself to plan my meals more consistently...

Anyway I bought 800g of chicken breast (fresh, not frozen) to chomp down until 25th. Tomorrow brunch will be just that, chicken breast and some spaghetti.

Diet today!
brunch- yong tau foo*
             stuffed tau pok(half)=2g
             1x tau kwa(small)=8g
             1x hot dog=5g
             1x fish cake=3g
             1x goh hiong=2g
             fish ball x2=6g
             bee hoon=5g
*most YTF stuff are argaration because it's hard to tell the exact amount of protein, since they all vary in size and cooking method.**
pre/post workout-30g whey+250ml chocomalt milk=36g (taste super SWEET)
dinner-same as yesterday=40g
before sleep-30g whey+250ml skimmed milk=  34.8g
Total protein intake=141.8g

Wow this is kinda epic fail. 141.8g only. I wanted to just take another scoop of whey but I'm too scared. And my stomach feels really really bloated. Anyway I'm probably 70kg now so my target intake should be 154g. So I need to aim for 170g protein per day now.

Ok, 5/10 days over. Half of it is over...



Monday, November 21, 2011

Proj LabMONSTER day 4

Argh progress is really slow...!! Or is there even any?

Day 4...in the past I would have given up by now. No way..not this time

So yea, had to drag my sleepy ass to gym early in the morning. Set alarm at 6am but was so sleepy so didn't reach the gym until around 9 plus. Just focused on chest today, nothing more, nothing less.

Tomorrow will be bicep/chest/legs day. At home, with my custom made "barbell". (Basically tek koh+heavy bags)

Anyway, we are 4/10 days already..I have to keep it up.

Weight: 69kg
Today's diet.
breakfast- 1 can tuna=25g
pre/post workout-30g whey+milk=35g
lunch-chicken rice+meat=30g **Add meat from that stall was pathetically little. After adding meat the size even lesser than one piece of breast. Shite!
snack-green tea bean curd=5.9g
dinner-3 eggs(2 yolks removed)+1 chicken breast+half bowl rice=40g
before sleep-30g whey=25g
Total protein intake=160.9g

Quite tempted to take 3 scoops per day from now on, but I think I'll just be conservative now. If things don't work out, I might just become fatter. And if it's really 80 scoops, one tub of protein will run out really soon. Then need more $$$ to restock. Don't want that to happen.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Jay Chou Exclamation Mark! Album Review

Shortly after my Proj Lab 3rd day post I decided to post THIS. After seeing the ludicrous reviews from a few websites I needed to post this to satisfy my own ego. lol.

First and foremost comparing 療傷燒肉粽 to 聽媽媽的話 r u serious bro? What a joke?! Both songs are not even similar! Wow. Am I hearing the same songs??

Generally I thought this album was plain average. Some great songs but a lot more pointless ones that overshadow them. And some parts of the great songs could have been instant classics had MR JAY put in more effort. Comparing the previous few albums, this is slightly better than 跨時代 worse than 我很忙.

1) 驚嘆號
How do I even start. Yea it's the typical No.1 slot song of his "movie-turn" albums...see 跨時代/龍戰騎士. Usually a softrock type of intro song, fast paced. Let's be fair and compare them on the basis of fast songs.   驚嘆號  has good heavy guitars, mature music blending, above average verse but the letdown is the chorus lol.
"號號號號號號號號" yea Mr Jay just steal from your old works again lah. Say you love it man. Just another song.6/10

What the hell. When Mr Jay is at his best he's untouchable. But this. This song shows the worse side of his compositions. (However his worst still owns alot of others). The verse, typical, sounds recycled and mashed from previous 'club' songs of his. The only postitive thing is the chorus which is quite classic jay chou rumbling style and catchy too, but for his standard, NEH. I don't dig his clubbing songs at all. Same goes for 嘻哈空姐/蛇舞/扯. No more club songs pls.......4.5/10 (for his standards)

3)Mine Mine
Why are people raving over this song??? Can someone explain to me?? Hey, to me it is just AVERAGE, I have to be blunt! And made worst by TWO points - one, autotune. Two, the background rhythm is an exact copy of 我不配!. However the chorus is the worst of all!!! It's just some uncreative melody that any average artist can create! This is NOT Jay chou standard bro! Yea he's trying show off his english skills but omg. Yea putting in min nan is cool and all but the chorus just don't meet his high standards. It's an insult to 我不配. Really. Do not know why people can love this song so much. Have they ever heard his first few albums? Have they heard his truly classic R&B hits like 龍捲風/上海一九四三/黑色毛衣?? One word for this song -- OVERRATED. 5/10

Ok finally the first creative song from this album. The music is copied from 陽光宅男 (everone knows that already), but I have to give it to him, 公主病 is better. It's a very rare case of a sequel being better than its predecessor. Why? First he just randomly created this tune from Mr J Channel. Second 公主病 is more upbeat and lively, so much so that when I go back and listen to 陽光宅男 I feel that it's soooo slow and not as energetic. Also the melody is very catchy. It's not that type of chromatic-catchy but more in the vein of a strong, rock feel. You can hear the instruments, they are harder than  陽光宅男 and the part where   陽光宅男  goes into a solo,   公主病 replaces it with a breakdown instead. But somehow it's more catchy! Btw chorus was very well mixed. Great song. 8/10

Why is Mr Jay going in this minimalist style? I mean for the first of its kind (說了再見) it was ok, (didn't like it though) but doing it again...wow it's boring man! And disappointingly this is the only ballad in the whole damn album r u serious bro??! [This is the main problem with this album; whole lot of pointless experimental crap and compromising on his strengths i.e ballads and ZHONG GUO FENG...I'm sad =((] Before I get to the good points, the worst thing about this song is NO DRUM BEAT HAHA. You can't do this...stop this minimalist stuff and get back to real ballads like 說好的幸福呢/最長的電影 pls...(and I'm not even gonna compare to his first five albums' ballads cos' they are even better) But to the good points, the chorus is GOOD. Very Jay chou style, very similar to   最長的電影 as they both require singer to "biao ying" and sing like their dying. Wow and the chorus on the second time DID HE SING IT HIGH OR WHAT? I don't know what note it is but it's definitely up there with some of his highest ranged songs. Cue 擱淺/髮如雪 last part. As a song, not bad but please go back to the tried and proven formula - piano/violin/DRUMS combo thank you..7/10

I like this song! The chorus keep looping in my head; I can't get it off! It's the kind of song when you first listen you know it's good. Yea, it might suit a female singer better but I guess his voice is cute enough to pull it off. And one thing-people are saying the   燒...肉...粽 part will be sang over and over but please, no. It's the chorus. This is one of the more creative melodies he's come up with in the past 3 albums. Very catchy, very pop, serves its purpose well. The song I've looped the most in the album. As a song it's nothing special but I say again, the chorus. It's addictive. 8/10

Well this might be the one I'd start to appreciate more and more each day. Quite a weird song but after a feel listens and reading comments you can hear the similarities. So if we put it into catergory it's similar to 夜的第七章 and 夜曲(rap part). Although the aforementioned are much better but this has it's own unique taste, I'd say. The chorus- intriguing. However the part that is starting to grow on me is the background music during the chorus. The du dudu du dudu du dudu du dudu part. Very arrogant sounding. Yea people all rave on the piano part etc etc great reference etc etc yea I give him credit being able to mash it into the song but this is Jay chou...who should be CREATING the piano lick instead of just copy and paste. I need a few more listens. Right now, 7/10

牛仔很忙/魔術先生/水手怕水 -- they are a trio. Listen all three after one another for full effect. Everybody likes this kind of cute cowboyish song. But they are just that. Rarely will you see them make anyone's top Jay songs. But I understand, this type of 'gimmick' songs are necessary for variety so good, come out with more of these! 6.5/10

Easily, THE song of the album. Wow. I love it. Nobody should even argue otherwise because non of the other songs can even fight with this. At first listen I was shocked: "WHAT the intro has the 晴天 feel!" And that got me real excited. And Jay did not disappoint. For the first time in a long time this is the only song that has two verse types; the intro verse PLUS and build up verse. What does it mean, simple. He is not rushing into the chorus and I really love songs like that, when it's slowly built. In an industry of verse-chorus-verse-chorus this really stands out. Amplified by the fact it's a rock/guitar driven number. The part where the drums kicks in and he sings to the beat is the best part of the whole album. And at first I thought it was the chorus but bang, the drums intensities and out comes a brillant chorus! It really HAS THE END OF MOVIE/WORLD ENDING FEEL~~ I love it. Again, best Jay chou song in the album but one small criticism.

WHY DID HE NOT SING THE BUILD UP VERSE AGAIN ON THE SECOND PART...wanna cry...go hear again...verse1-building up verse-chorus-verse1-chorus-end.

If only had he sang the build up verse, this would have been perfect. Even without a bridge! Wow. How hard could it be to just add the build up verse again? Album time restrictions? Even so he should REMOVE those pointless crap and sing the damn build up verse again!! The song gets a 9/10 but had he sang the build up verse AND added a bridge it would be PERFECT.
What I'm saying is verse1-bu verse-chorus-verse1-bu verse-chorus-bridge-chorus Wow that would have KILLED it!

Wow. Can't believe it. The zhong guo feng lick in this rap song is the only ZGF part in the whole album!!! I'M SAD. Really want to say a big F to Mr Jay for NO ZGF song in this album!!! ZGF is HIS TRADEMARK BRO! Wow.
Whatever, this is another forgettable, pointless, .......
Haix. 5/10

Oh-Oh~... Sounds average at first, needs repeated listens. The thing that sucks for 超跑女神 is it's fighting a losing battle with   療傷燒肉粽 in the album. But the problem is the album only needed either one. Why did he put both in one album baffles me.  超跑女神  is not bad but would have had more credibility if put in another album with nothing fighting with it.   療傷燒肉粽  just overshadows it, sad to say. Point to note:   你專心在畫睫毛 我專心在等你笑
你唇膏 塗抹少少 撒嬌 討好 我收到
Is a classic, pure Jay style. But a shame, it only lasted few seconds.
Oh. The  龍捲風 piano touch is cute too. 7/10

That's it.

Three (+): He still can create ultra-catchy melody, he is not ditching rap, and  世界未末日 .
Three (-): NO ZGF. Too much experimental crap. Unbalanced song variety.

Proj LabMONSTER Day 3

The progress is slow and the training is tough but I just have to press on and not give up like before...

Spent most of the day outside (Istana gathering) so not much was done. My body definitely felt like resting at home. I guess I was so tired I even fell asleep during the movie! Twice. Nah. It's not me. The movie's too boring anyway. Shoulders still hurting. And felt the burning sensation in my thighs and quads while I was on my way home. Two hours sitting in a movie theatre WILL contract your muscles and trust me, it hurts afterwards.

Diet is ok, another standard day. Except I cheated a bit with the Pokka cloudy apple drink. Bluffed myself that I was drinking it out of thirst and necessity, when actually in the first place I should've brought my own waterbottle, if I was commited enough. My bad.

Today's intention is just to rest, and maybe hit my biceps a bit. I will do chest/arms tomorrow (yes MUST GO GYM TML) so will keep it light and easy today. I hope I'm not pushing myself too hard, to soon.

Anyway too tired to type. Will be posting daily for recording purposes and motivation, at least till' my 10 days are over.

Diet today.
breakfast- 30g whey =25g
brunch- soya bean drink=7g
             PEK KIO chicken breast rice+meat+tau kwa=56g
             cloudy apple juice=0.5g
dinner- yong tau foo soup(no noodle)
            prawn ball/crab ball x2=6g
            1x tau kwa=10g
            1x tau pok=3
            1x goh hiong(prawn)=2
            1x fish cake=3
night snack- 100g cornflakes=8.2g
                    250ml chocomalt milk=11g
pre/post workout drink- 30g whey=25g
Total protein intake=156.7g

Good. Still hitting the mark. Might be inaccurate in some food items, so total intake might vary +/- 10g. So better more than less. Bye.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Proj. LabMONSTER(in progress) Day 2

Ok, we are done with the second day of our training. The diet has been quite strict, with heavy emphasis on protein. I've tried my best to make sure I really get the protein this time.

Well I said yesterday the breakfast for family day might screw with my plans, but luckily it was only 1x sausage mcmuffin. I still hated the idea of consuming fast food especially Macs during my training days but it's ok, one sausage mcmuffin is nothing.

Result of yesterday's training? Whole back was aching. Which is strange! It should be my arms and chest but it was my back instead. This simply means I used too much of my back for the workouts. Got to get much much stronger man...

Today's workout:
I wanted to concentrate on compound, full body workouts today, or at least that was what I hoped for. I'm still a n00b at weightlifting. =( No arms training today. So I did three important but moderately difficult workouts today. Deadlift, squats, and standing military barbell press. I've to admit it's the first time I'm doing such 'advanced' stuff but I figured if I want to be serious about making a change, I must do them. Perfect form and posture AND breathing is crucial for weight lifting, especially so for these compound exercises. So I tired my best to do my research, watch the instructional videos to learn correct form. I think I did quite well. But having a big mirror in my room would help so much. Added some wide arm push-ups too (for chest) and crunches+flutter kicks (for abs). Overall quite satisfied with today, with the fact I'm doing everything at home AND using self-made weights.

Now the diet.

Ate quite a variety today I guess, let's see:
Breakfast- 250ml milk+30g whey =35g
                 1x sausage mcmuffin-14g
Lunch- young tau foo.
            2x egg whites, 1x whole egg= 12g
            1 slice fish= 5g
            1 tofu= 5g
            1x hotdog- 5g
snack- 1 cup yogurt=7.5g
pre/mid/post workout- 30g whey = 25g
dinner- 1x can tuna chunks in broth =25g
            chicken breast rice+add meat= 25g+4.2g=29.2
Total protein intake=162.7g

YES. Over the 150g mark by 12.7g. Great improvement from yesterday. The choice of food is not bad and sustainable. Cheap too. But would have liked to remove the sausage mcmuffin. Oh well.

Day 2 is over.

I'm building momentum, let's go!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Project LabMONSTER (Revisited Nov 2011)

Since my last duty, I somehow had a newfound surge of energy and motivation to start training again. Well, my running 'career' is on hiatus right now, except for the one big event which is SCSM 2011. My last run was well over two weeks ago, where I ended abruptly and painfully at only 7K. It is totally unwise to run at all much less a FULL marathon but I've already signed up. Anyway I will obviously do a walk-run strategy and worst come to worst I'll just walk till the finish line... So back to my training. Yea, "Project LabMONSTER" is brought back from the grave once again and this time, I may actually succeed. Finally?

To make it short and sweet -- I'm on a short term plan to achieve the improbable: make some changes in 10 days.

Yes it's a 10 day challenge to a more muscular physique. I'm not trying to suddenly become some musclefreak, but just aiming for some significant changes. I believe it's possible if I work hardcore for 10 days.

Few factors for this sudden project:
1) my 11 days leave from 17th-27th. Taking away the first day, I have exactly 10 full, uninterrupted, free-from-army days. This is a nice number to try to accomplish something. Also, with 10 days to myself I can test whether the theory of me being able keep healthy (eg self cook, clean eating) when meals are controlled by me is correct. There has never been 10 solid days free in the last 2 years since my enlistment. The last time I self cooked and counted calories was in 2009 (when I had all the free time in the world) so I'd like to get back to a healthier livestyle again.
2) friends. Somehow, some guys in istana decided to train and bulk up so much that it is starting to become a trend. And seeing them more muscular, while I was getting fatter wasn't cool at all. For quite a few weeks this has been bothering me already. I want to be better than them. I have to. Time to hit the gym, enough said. Then I'll show them...
3) preparation for university life. Ah, the social pressure. With so many JJC kids there, and much much more fit guys in uni, it's a different ball game. Being slim can no longer cut it. I have to have some muscle. Especially the arms. NEED. BIG. ARMS.
4) just want to do something, anything with so much free time. Better than waking up everyday and spending the whole day rotting in front the laptop, which is made worse by the fact I can't run long d. If I can't run, I have to pump iron, simple.

So yea a lot of motivation this time round. I am going to promise myself to commit long-term, but NOW, now the short term target is to, as I mentioned, gain some muscle in 10 days. It's a 10 days challenge!

I believe it will work this time. I have the knowledge ( always had, never executed). I am executing now. (heavy weights, low reps). I have the resources (itouch, bodybuilding.com). I have the motivation and inspiration (mentioned above). I have the money. And this time, probably gonna be the crucial factor; I have the PROTEIN. Yes. The basis of muscle building is simple, you must have enough protein! If not no matter how hardcore you train your biceps will always look the same!

So I'm trying as hard as I can to follow the method of 150g protein/150 lbs (my weight). Every single attempt previously failed because it was too unrealistic to get so much protein with normal foods. Either I have to eat more (more $$$ wasted) or get protein powder. And finally, I can say, I GOT MY WHEY PROTEIN TODAY! It's the Ultimate Nutrition Prostar Whey, which is generally what everyone uses and is quite effective too. The 25g of protein per scoop is a miracle.

Anyway too lazy to elaborate on my workout but I can say I'm working harder than usual. And I'm actually working hard, in a long time, so.

Today was the first time I went back to a public gym in like, 6 months? And finally I forced myself to check my weight after so long of deceiving myself. I gave myself a range of 67-70kg and my to my relief I'm only 68kg. It's still bad but I'm still fitting my clothes so no worries.

Let's end the post soon. So today is officially the first day of my 10 days challenge. I really hope I can stick to my schedule for this 10 days. I know if I do, this will be long term. If I don't, every thing's going back to square one.

Day 1
Weight: 68kg
Total Protein intake: 135g
Breakfast - nil
Pre/Mid/post workout drink - 250ml low fat milk + 1 scoop (30g) =35g
Brunch - chicken breast rice + 1 egg =30g
Snack - soya beancurd 1 serving = 6g
Dinner - spaghetti in tomato sauce + 3 egg whites = 29g
Pre/mid/post workout drink - 250ml low fat milk + 1 scoop (30g) =35g

P.s Tomorrow breakfast/brunch might be compromised because of family day buffet...I'm sad. Anyway, 14 days to ORD =D=D=D

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Last Month as NSF

My long awaited post is here..

So it's finally end of October. I thought it'd be a tough month, and yes I was right. Seemed to pass quite slowly but I was so occupied that I didn't really feel that way.
The most significant event was of course, Pre-ORD training/MP refresher course. I have to say, our batch's one is probably the easiest compared to the past few trainings.
+1, Stay out
+2, no live firing
+3 good progression in training schedule
+4 quite un-regimental

However, we did have probably the toughest 8K route march. IMO this 8K route march is tougher than normal and comparable to 16K RM in BMT. No joke. It is mainly due to the fact that we've not done outfield and route march since Apr last year so we were very much unconditioned. Being in Istana platoon and having a eat/sleep/stand schedule doesn't help either. Also, our 8K was not just a normal 8K march, it was modified as an "FBO challenge". There were quizzes and stations every 2K and ended with casevac around 7.5K mark. Man, the casevac portion was tough as hell. I don't know how the elite soldiers do this day in, day out. Anyway the 8K march was the last event of the training and everybody felt great to finally complete PreORD training. Nothing can stop us from ORD now!

After the PreORD training though, I still had 4 duties left to complete in one week. It's my fault I didn't plan my leave beforehand. But the 4 duties were ok, not tough at all.

The main story right now is my SIM application. So the long story was, I originally wanted to study psychology in a local Uni. I needed to get BBB/C but obviously I couldn't get it so I dropped the plans. Then I went to NS, uni plans stopped until last year end I decided to try for NTU Arts Design Media. I did a portfolio and applied, but guess it wasn't good enough. I was rejected. So reality was I had no choice but to go SIM. I read through the courses and psychology was still interesting but all the voices around was saying jobs are hard to find with bachelor in psychology. So I decided to go with the norm. If I couldn't study what I want then I'd study what was realistic. Something that could stabilize my future. So I checked the courses and Business Admin was the only viable option. It required only a basic A lvl cert and was the best course for A lvl flunks like me. I can choose something like Acct&finance or banking like what most poly guys do but the thought of facing math and numbers again was too horrifying. If I can I never want to do Math or science again. That was why I wanted to get in NTU ADM. So I decided to do up a better portfolio and try for 2012 intake again. I've managed to finish a piece of work then. Then there was PreORD training after-army talk. It made me re-think about what I want to do in my future. More recently I had a talk with Istana friend Jonathan and well, he said some things that made me re-think me decision.
I went through some thinking and decided to apply for psychology in SIM. Deep down I knew that the chances of getting in ADM even next year was highly improbably because I had no background and no resources. Then I chided myself for being so stupid to even think of doing business admin. Business? I never wanted to do business, what the hell. At the very least I have an interest in psychology and spiritually I always thought the voice in my head told me I'd make a good psychologist, or at least in similar fields. I am not saying I want to be a psychologist either. At least I'll not go into the clinical side, and I don't want to do couselling either. If possible I'll take the route to become a I/O psychologist or sports psychologist. But this route is long and tough, especially in Singapore. But I've decided, I rather study something I like and do well than take the general route and suffer again.
The last week of Oct I've been scrambling like a XINJIAO asking questions and reading up on private schools that offer psychology courses. I decided to apply for Bachelor in Science (psychology) at University of Wollongong (SIM). I'm glad that at least I know why I'm choosing this Uni and what the future lies and what I must sacrifice to do well.
And because the reg deadline for Jan intake is Oct 31. That's why I'm scrambling. Now, I've finally got everything done. I even went back to JJC to take my SGC (last to take, what the hell.) and also made a trip to MOE to get my O level statement. Now that I've gotten my endorsement tomorrow I'm going down first thing in the morning to apply. Now the only thing I fear is that they reject me. Because I only just hit the admission requirements. Good luck to me...

Anyway what a long post, and I think I've revealed way more than I should. Tired, it's time to rest.

(Yea,,,....FIVE duties to go. Feeling quite emo especially inside Istana guardroom because of the emotional attachments to that place. Maybe all those lao jiaos felt it too..but they certainly didn't show it. Well, most of them didn't show it. Ha ha, xin jiaos, when you actually miss the guardroom, you know you're gonna ORD soon. I'm walking around sometimes, can't sleep, just relishing the final moments before I leave...lol.
And of course, from 1 Nov food is being indented so the culture of going out to buy food is over. I wonder how the lao jiao feel about this haha...and MPEU's becoming stay in next year onwards...SAY U LUV IT XIN JIAOS...lol. This is damn bad...
If it's me I will feel damn emo too and btw it's so ridiculous because Istana can't work on stay in system, dumbasses! Don't know what them higher ups are thinking. Good luck to the xin jiaos, hang in there man.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Back from hiatus, again

So two months has passed again..

And a lot of things happened.

But luckily non of them are bad. Istana life has generally been good so far. I'm glad I don't have to post about punishments, screw ups...etc. Finally, I can look forward to ORD.

How long has it been man? I feel like a prisoner, finally getting out after one year 10 months. A hell of a journey it has been. Right now, 5/10/11. Only 58 days left. Less than two months.

This one year 10 months has sucked my soul right out of me and spit it out so many times. Torturous. I will ORD a broken man, but I will do just that. ORD. Then it's time to start anew. Time for me. MY time.

Anyway, just wanna update my ITB injury.


Left leg healed

Right leg ITB flared up

Not seeing physio for right leg

Stretching by myself

Can do 10k before pain kicks in.

What is my feeling of doing the marathon this year?

Dreadful. Optimistic, but prepared for the worst. The races I've had the past few months says alot. I did the no frills run, 15K around july. Worst race ever, worst performance. Due to the pain, I got last out of male runners, 3rd last overall. How sad. Then, AHM. Been looking forward to it since LAST year. Always aimed for a strong timing. But again, ITB killed any hopes I had. Did 21k, finished, but took me 3h30mins. How sad. I could only endure until 17k before I had to walk all the way to the end. Yes, it's that sad. I'm a shell of myself. Pandan reservoir run, did not participate as I forbid myself to join anymore races til' Stan Chart. Last year I got 2nd runner up for it, this year no participation. Sighs.

Somewhat resumed proper training again, but don't think I can clock enough mileage. only 2 months left. I know my chances of completing this year alone, is slim. DNF? I'm prepared for it. But obviously I've signed up already so will just run and see how far I can go.

New equipment? LB support for my right leg. It works way better than an ITB brace. Also, after months and months of considering and hesitating, I'm getting the Newtons on Oct payday. It's gonna be $200+ gone, but I'm getting quality...I hope.

So yea, In a running journey filled with obstacles, I am trying to be as optimistic as possible. But it will be painful.

I have less than 12 duties left, (can't believe I'm saying this) it's all gonna be over soon. I have GRINDED through 130+ duties and earned this right. This month will be hectic, with duties, parades AND pre-ORD training but it's gonna be the last hectic month in my SAF life. Nov I will just be spamming off and abusing my 10 days leave. I love it man.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rage Eating

Today is just one of the days I have to rage eat.

I can't stand the ridiculous news just unveiled.

Next farking month and I hate to swear on my blog but NEXT FARKING MONTH I get abused.

What farking lao jiao, when I get abused like a dog and kena OPEN HOUSE??! Then I get 2 weekends when my batch only get 1?? Then somemore last minute bomb put me in THUR PARADE when I have eprep and screw my plans for Wed?? Even my batch is pissed off at this ridiculous management. And put me as SENTRY somemore WHAT THE FARK??! I NEVER do sentry, the xin jiao job! And worst of all the EHR password system is so cock up I think I lost my password AGAIN. There goes my MONEY AGAIN FARK! Utter fail la, utter fail.

Then I couldn't handle these crap all of a sudden dropping on me like bird shit, so I went to RAGE EAT. Now I feel slightly better but still, I think this unfairness against us is TOO DAMN MUCH.

I have to cancel tml's run and trip to novena cos' of a travesty. Which shouldn't even happen.

E-PREP for god's sake, OVERWRITTEN by a mere parade. JOKE, la JOKE!!

Then put me duty on 1 August somemore! When I already have duty on 31 July. So when the week was already quite hectic (wed off, thur eprep, fri duty sat off sun duty) becomes HELL just like that (wed REHEARSAL, thur PARADE, fri DUTY, sat off, sun duty, mon DUTY)...TELL ME HOW NOT TO BE VERY VERY PISSED OFFi?!


Shiny Snivy Hunt Update.

Ok, right now I've done 400 eggs exactly. That's quite a fair bit of improvement considering I just started 2 days ago. Avg on 130 eggs per day which is not bad but could be better...But I'm just too lazy. It's really boring man. But at least hatching Snivy eggs are much faster than Deino eggs. Will start to cheong more eggs after this. I think I'll give myself until Sunday to end this hunt (?). My feeling is that I'll hatch a shiny one by this sunday but well given than I'm so dai sai it wouldn't happen. PLEASE...SHINE FOR ME SNIVY.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pokemon White: Hatching Shiny Snivy

This is BORING.

I have to record down my hunt for shiny Pokemon.

So for the past week or so I've been hunting for shiny pokemon and I'm very impatient. I can't understand how those lucky guys get their shinies only after like 20 eggs (using MM). Is it my luck? Am I that unlucky. No. I'm not unlucky, basically I have NO LUCK. ZERO. What with me being so dark and negative and having so much issue of course I'd expect me to have no luck. Those lucky idiots are people like teenage girls who have an easy life or those dumb idiots who lead normal happy lifes etc etc.

But if I have no luck imma have to force it out. The hard way. I'm using Masuda Method hatching and the MM says 1/1377 chance of hatching a shiny so I am going to force out 1377 dumb critters and if I don't get a shiny then I WILL RAGE.

Knowing which, I probably wouldn't and would have probably wasted a ton of time. Nevertheless I'm going to try WHY because I love the shiny colour sprite. It's just..amazing.

Progress so far? Zero shiny. I've done Axew (110 eggs) and Deino (603 freaking eggs). That's 603 eggs for deino, damn it! Hatching 5 deino eggs already takes 10 minutes so you can imagine how much time I wasted hatching 603. I decided to put on hold this hunt (or should I say quit?) and aim for shiny SNIVY instead. Yea, all the MRT travelling/walking, my sleeping time, etc wasted on holding the dumb DS on my hands ALL for nothing.

But hatching SNIVY is SO much easier. Simply cos' snivy only takes 2.2k steps to hatch which is HALF the no. required for denio/axew so I predict I will get snivy easily. I can feel it!

I've done 100 eggs in now. Nothing shined yet. But as I've said, I'm going try to be patient and hatch until 1377. From youtube vids I've seen shiny snivys appeared only after hundreds of eggs. The longest hunt took 1.6k i think so I'm gonna bank on this one and not quit cos' I'm doing the method right and I have great parents (for good IV & nature). Don't give up!

Hatch for me...

normal Snivy

Shiny Snivy

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Running the Singapore River

Horrible news.

My RIGHT leg has struck ITBS. Yea. I should have guessed huh? Just when you thought life was gonna be good, you hit a wall and things go back to square one. What to do?

But thankfully I've learnt by past experience how to treat ITB so I'm pretty confident my right leg will heal in time. Just keep stretching, rest, and ...I think the root of the problem is my SHOE.

See, I'm still using the same shoe (Adi Supernova) now. Which is the exact same shoe I've been using since I started running. Obviously, cushion shoes DO NOT fit me at all. It's definitely the shoes man. These heavy ass supernovas, though comfortable as hell, is just pulling me downhill so it's time to throw them to the rack and get some new shoes.

Two options -- Vibram Fivefingers or Newton. Yes, I said I would be getting Newtons but I'm on budget now. A pair of Newtons would be a lot of damage to my bank balance. Meanwhile, I could go get myself a pair of VFF @ discounted price of $130 which can provide the same function if not perform even better. Looking at my pathetic running gait and time issues I seriously think getting VFF is a better choice as of now. Although ultimately I would get both of them. Newtons, I will definitely get them.

Today's run was one of the better ones. Of course I'm talking about scenery wise, not how I physically feel. Physically throughout I felt quite crappy. The dumb ITB started to annoy me after I passed by SP, and was in full force around commonwealth. HOWEVER, this ITB is bearable. Very much bearable, compared to the one on my left. Now, my left leg is perfectly alright (which is wonderful news;; recovery success!) but now it's the right one that's being an ass. As I said, it was bearable and as a matter of fact I managed to run through the pain and at one point it even dissipated so that was somewhat positive. But obviously the pain came back with a vengeance @ the last 1k or so, when I was reaching city hall mrt. Afterwards it became genuinely painful and I did struggle to walk. Right now as I walk I feel the pain, not extreme, but this bugger would require at least a week of recovery.

I started out very slowly, with a goal of pushing only when I reached Singapore River. That 3K, I had to look good and not like a n00b. Because of all the runners there and there WERE RUNNERS. Not as much as I expected but there were still a handful. And I have to say, the runners @ Sg River definitely look better than anywhere else. Many were wearing fancy gears or sporting marathon shirts. Most ran quite speedily (I was even overtaken by a tall blonde woman) -- I can say most are definitely NOT casual runners...

Funny thing happened when I ran pass a riverside bar; two waitress I think started to run with me while I bypassed the bar, how cheeky. Well I was embarrassed to say the least but looking back I should have been "angmoh" and give them a wave back... social skills FAIL haha. But it's good, RANDOM things like these should happen more often so that runners get distracted from the monotony of running.

The view is quite nice and surely motivates any runner to carry on. I tried the SG river 3K because of recommendation by a website, and I have no regrets.

In total, I did 12.6k which is just short of the 13K I routed (400m is nothing to nitpick about). We are still following the 10% rule and I think I'll probably stick to it until race day (2 DAYS AFTER O-R-D YEAAA). Wow, so excited. What a way to celebrate ORD! (call me mad, I don't care.)

Recommend everyone to run the Singapore River route (3K/6K for loop) at least once in your life! Now I will slowly go pamper my right leg...I'm sad.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Sick and Twisted Mind

Oh my god.

I suddenly remembered, i have to blog this down. I had a freakish nightmare yesterday night. First and foremost, I've had tons of sick and impossible nightmares before. But I think this really tops the rest. Even thinking of it now makes me sick to the stomach.

The Heart.

Suddenly, I woke up in a pitch black room. I knew something was wrong with me but not quite sure what. Then I started walking...and walking...and walking... All of a sudden, I felt something move inside me! It was my heart! It seemed...weird, like it was not stable, like it was detached! Then for some reason, I bent down and HOLY CRAP my heart fell out from a HOLE in my chest! There was a HOLE in my chest, and my heart fell out! But wait, I wasn't shocked or even remotely disturbed...in fact it was normal! Looking around me, I casually picked up my heart and carefully shove it back to my chest. (WTF?) Then I realised I put it upside down, but somehow it rotated by itself back to original position LOL! Then moments later, I felt something move up my throat! Then it went up to my mouth! It was my heart! I was literally holding my heart inside my mouth OH SICK. What could I do??! I can't spit it out it was my heart. I might die! (right now my heart is sort of flat-shaped, that's why it could fit in my mouth). Then I foolishly feared that if I kept it in my mouth like that too long, my heart would melt! But what do I do, SWALLOW it back??! It was so sick, so sick!! Then I put my hands on my chest, and i felt something -- A beat. I think it was my heartbeat! So what, now I had TWO hearts?! WHAT IS THE MINDF***?!!!!!!! The dream ended abruptly.

Why are these sicks images coming back? I had already deterred away from the dark side..

Is this a sign? A message??

Haix. Inside a sick and twisted mind with no love, I guess it's normal.

Yes, you got me.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lab IS Running!

OK, just finished a 12K filled with obstacles. I've done it, I've finally broken the 10K barrier after my injury. I am more than pleased to say that there is ZERO pain from my ITB, which is just incredible. My legs felt better than expected after the 12K, however I did struggle for the last 1K because I decided to endure dehydration until I reached the end. It's a stupid move, but it was a calculated move to save money. I can endure through, anyway. Wow, just 2 months ago I was still battling the ITB but right now my form is coming back. I've learnt to control my gait and keep the ITB from flaring up. Right now...I just wish for a pair of Newtons so that I can complete the transition to "Natural Running".

On the run itself; hmm not so good. Me being a "Road Idiot" (in Chinese) managed to miss one of the easiest turning points and ended up a good 1K away from the planned route. Wow this is a really irritating problem that almost always happens when I run an unfamiliar route. I don't have that sense of direction, like others. Anyway, I had the troublesome task to take a bus back to the turning point to get back on track. LOL.

Gombak-CCK-Yew Tee is actually quite boring. The runnable route is surrounded mostly by factories and housing estates. I don't think I'll be doing this one in the near future.

So now, we just have to keep on the 10% rule (increasing distance by 10% every week) and play safe. (Though I did 12K instead of 11K). It's ok, just too excited to be able to do >10K FINALLY. With no struggles. Yea..

When I ORD...Stan Chart 2011, Dec 4, I will see YOU...!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Finally, finally FINALLY, I've done my first 10K since my ITB injury!

It was tough as hell, but I managed to push through the mental barrier. I may not be in form now, but slowly and surely I'm reaching there.

The conclusion from this is run very positive. No nagging pain, my ITB did not flare up (thanks to my forefoot strike and IT strap) and I'm slowly building up the mileage. Right now all that can stop me now is the limitations due to my ITB problem but I'm confident if I do the right things, I can manage it well.

It was a very enjoyable run too. I changed the route to Chinese Gardens/Jurong Lake/Japanese Gardens and it paid off. Loads of scenery, plenty of runners -- it was 100% moral boost man. And listening to radio helps too. It feels damn good to be running again, for real.

July looms ahead...why do I say that?

The damn duties with my new section...it's gonna be ... URGH.

Countdown to ORD -- 5 months!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Joining in the commotion

Aw man I spent $110 today on Pokemon White and StanChart FM. And I'm gonna spent $70 more for the nintendo DS later.

Planned to queue for the $800 goodie bag yesterday night (first 100 registrants only) but oh my gosh are Singaporeans Kiasu. Originally I had intended to reach around 10pm but word had it that the queue already met 100 by 7pm!! Crazy man. And news reported that the first person in line started queuing at 11am yesterday WHAT the hell! I totally had no chance. So instead I wanted to try for the $400 voucher (101-1000th registrant) but guess what, I woke up too late. In the end I gave up. But I am helluva relived to know that the actual contents of the goodie bag sucked. It is really something to LOL and right smack a tight slap in the face of those who queued up overnight and faced the unforgiving rain and dirt.

Despite not being eligible for the freebie I decided to join in the official launch anyway. Made my way to Qishan @ Far East Shopping Centre to hoot my Pokemon White version (...Finally) at only $40. I guess if we total the transport fees it's still around $45 (?) but who cares. After tearing the wrap unceremoniously like a vulture I quickly ply out the cartridge and STARTED cheonging.

Then I made my way to raffles place. Out the exit, WHAM* I was greeted by hundreds of people organised into a long stretch of seemingly endless line. Out I went, tracing the line to the last person. Of course, along the way I get diao-ed by different kinds of people but that's just how runner's check other runner's out. But wow, was the queue long. It basically stretched from the inner and outer circumference of the CBD in a maze-like pattern. Finally, I found the last guy after walking like 5 minutes later and joined in the wait...

Had I known I would have to wait almost THREE hours the register...I might not have queue up. Or I might have. But I must register this year, so in the end the wait is worth it. I got a slot YEA. The wait was long man. But luckily for most of the time I was busy cheonging my newly bought Pokemon White like a xin jiao! That almost distracted me from the blistering hot sun. Almost. But when I reached the last few hundred people the freaking DS battery went flat on me and I basically had to endure the heat and wait for around a good 1 hour with no entertainment. Thankfully, as we near the application booths things got better as we were handed out some freebies and THIS I must mention -- 100 PLUS drink!!! Wow I was freaking dying of thirst out there standing under the sun for hours and I'm sure the others feel the same too and PROPS to StanChart organisers for being thoughtful enough to put "100 plus boys" to roam around and give us free 100 Plus! And it was chilled somemore! I believe this is the first time I've actually seen muscular men wearing 100 plus skin tight shirts, carrying a mini 100PLUS water tank (backpack style) and flushing out 100 plus from a hose connected to the tank itself! It is a very creative concept and visually appealing. Anyway, I kept on refilling and the sight of me gulping down the drink greedily is quite awkward but I was T-H-I-R-S-T-Y. Thumbs up for the well organisation.

Ok so I managed to reach home at 5pm but "our time is running out", like Muse's lyrics. Gotta book in early for SAF Day rehearsal tomorrow...so yea, I'm heading for dinner now.

It was a good day!

QOTD: "It gets better as we get nearer" --random guy from the queue

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Monotonous June

You can see how busy I am.

Right now the schedule is ridiculous! 4 days stay in 1 day break has become the norm. STAY IN. Because of SAF day and duties oh my god. Life has become so robotic and predictable. I feel so damn stupid now. Right now, I really feel the burn of 2 years serving NS. All I'm doing is rotting away, that's the truth. No lessons, no school, no social life, NOTHING. Just 'MPIA', SAF DAY, Standing Istana duty, EAT, SLEEP, watch videos. I feel worse than a caveman. The world is evolving, while we are retarding. Say you love it.

But on the positive side, it's already 2/3 of the month and after SAF day this bleak period is gonna end. Then at least we can be back to normal and put the emphasis on MY stuff, like running, preparing for uni, wisdom tooth, etc. MY life.

Anyway, right now just focus on being professional and play my part in SAF day. That's all folks.

QOTD: Evolution has passed you by...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pain Pain PAIN!

What the hell is going on?!

Just...what the hell?!

Supposedly my left foot healed miraculously after two days, but suddenly when I woke up yesterday morning my RIGHT foot started to hurt like hell! It was a sharp kind of pain, quite persistent. I did not know how the hell it got injured?! Did I bang onto something during my sleep? Or someone ankle lock me?? Or maybe even some spirit purposely wanna play prank on me? My bunk sucks! I already got bad experiences in the damn bunk!

Then I went to stand Istana duty anyway. Two shift! Needless to say it worsen the pain x1000 and by the time I returned to camp the pain was so intolerable I couldn't walk! I was in a very low point yesterday. But worst of all I did not know what caused the pain!

So I skipped rehearsal today and went to see MO. The pain became considerably better today, and the MO said my tendon was sore. Oh tendon, that's a new one. I thought it was my muscle. Anyway I got excused L/L and some pills. But right now, the pain is almost totally gone so I'm damn relieved.

But damn, am I cursed or what? First ITBs. After I found a way to suppress it my left foot kena flying shin. After it healed my right foot kena unknown tendon pain. Now I have minor cough. What is happening to me? I'm living in a world of hurt!

Oh how much I yearn for a 100% injury free body now....

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Violent Game

Soccer is known as the beautiful game. Only if you are playing in Brazil. When you play soccer in somewhere like the cage @ kallang with army guys, well, it turns out to be violent. Real violent. And I found on the painful way, 15 minutes into the game today when Mr Melvin rammed his flying shin (?) against my foot. Resulting in a bump on my foot right now which is damn irritating and painful of course. But the big picture is...


My road back to running is stopped in its tracks again. I probably can't run for the next few days. I don't even know if I can walk properly tomorrow when I wake up! Worst of all I have duty tomorrow and Monday and if i can't march, I'm screwed. It is just a bump but these tend to last for days. Well, I had prayed not to get injured but I had chosen to play, and I knew the risks, and this is what I got.

It's finally June, and we are nearer and nearer to my ORD...This month is gonna be tough because of SAF day training, but it's passing ridiculously quickly =D. I love the speed. I'm looking forward to SAF day on 1 July...will be a good show. Then after that YEA ORD mood.

The races are coming soon also. I hope after SAF day I will fully go back to training again. It's gonna be so awesome, especially after NDP. Gonna finally utilize my privileges in SAF, ie wisdom tooth extraction MC, spam my countless off, use my untouched 13 days leave etc. I can't wait, I can't wait until July!

But now, it's still gonna be rough, but in time we will make it.

QOTD: laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone

-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Monday, June 6, 2011

Full Battle Order

Damn, I wanted to go FBO today for CPFA (with my running gear) but just like always, when I'm prepared for something, the outcome is not what I expect. Because it rained. And so my chance to do 9K was cancelled.

So it was pretty much a wasted afternoon. Went scrambling for afternoon off, then left camp as soon as I could.

However with my spare time at home I managed to squeeze in a short 7K run in the evening. Actually I just came back. Well, so far so good, I can more or less do 7-9K without any problems of ITBS at jogging pace. I cannot confirm if I am good also at race pace, and I must say, I'm really scared to go a race pace. Somehow I am satisfied just to be running already, and right now I really don't want to push my limit and injure my leg again. I am still doing this midfoot/forefoot strike, but I must say, starting out is really difficult. First, it takes a toll on my calves, especially my right one because they are not seasoned enough for this running style. My left calf is ok, maybe it's stronger. The right calf muscle is really tight and sore though. I dare not run for the next few days, don't want to get it inflamed. The ITB strap is working ok, I don't really know if it helps but I can definitely feel a good compression, more effective that compression tights and more concentrated. Well, just wear it as a fancy accessory now.

Gotta stay in for SAF day rehearsal tonight, sad.

But it feels good to be running consistently again!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Reaching full throttle

I am certainly looking forward to joining races again. Now that I've gotten my ITB strap, I feel somewhat empowered to run again. Today's trip to velocity was definitely helpful because I managed to find the Cho-Pat ITB strap ($19.90) @ Running Lab. It wasn't the one I was looking for but this looked quite reputable also and anyway these straps all function the same so I just got it without hesitation.

So now the engine's on all the way, unless my ITB acts up, which is a scenario I don't want to entertain or even think of ANYMORE. Because I know, if I do my stretches, and I run with correct form, and I wear my ITB strap, my runs will (hopefully) go on smoothly from now on. If not, I think I'll be damn sad.

Anyway, there are only 2 must-join races for the rest of the year which is AHM and Stan Chart. Especially Stan Chart. I must do my 2nd FM this year. How coincidental, last year June I started taking up running as a sport. Now one year later, I am re-starting, coming back from a injury. It's hard to stop running because you're injured, but even harder to come back from an injury. But like how they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, so just train hard and hopefully we can see some positive results again.

Full gear on Monday!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Twist, you lame Gook

First of all, a totally unexpected piece of good news. In a long time. I don't need to do MPIA for tomorrow YEA.

Seems like staff wanted to use duty personnel instead, don't know why, but I don't care cos' now the situation totally changes. From having to leave 2pm tomorrow, to 8 hours free...OMG perfect. 8 whole hours -- I can do some many things.

I DID run today, with little motivation or aim, and clocked 7K. Of course I said I was going to do 10K but come to think of it, my calves were still hurting so I'd rather take it slow and steady instead of committing the same mistakes again. All for the long run...

So a bit on the running itself; it seems forefoot strike really is the better way to run. Oh, I forgot to mention, my ITB did not act up today and I believe it may really be due to a better stride. I used my supernova today, and I don't know how it's affecting my gait and form. But I will be getting Newtons and doing a comparison, to see if shoes really matter. Once again I went slow but right now it is crucial I go slowly and progressively increase distance instead of trying to fly back to my peak, which is quite dumb. My aim now is really to be able to do half marathon distance (21K) at LSD pace without much stopping and without ITB acting up.

It may be a waste of time, but I'm heading to velocity tomorrow to see if I can find the patt strap. If not I might have to get it online, which is damn troublesome...

QOTD: Keep hope alive... --Russell Hantz

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The freaking A-bomb.

Wow yesterday was such a tough day. I was dropped the A-bomb and had to do EXTRA work and eat into my book out time, WAT THE HELL RAGE LEH!! It's so taxing that I immediately slept when I reached home this afternoon.

Anyway, I'm gonna focus on my running now. 10K, WCP, tomorrow morning - do it.

Also I have to get the pattstrap somehow, I don't know where it's sold but I might head to velocity to check. Also it's time to save up for a pair of Newtons. I'm gonna totally revamp my running technique, so I need fresh new gear to go along.

Rage leh.

Another another A-bomb -- MPIA for Shangri la dialogue on Saturday. I'm sad.

I'm just a sad song, with nothing to say...

So I only have tml whole day to rest. NOT ENOUGH.

Sat MPIA..Sunday duty...Tue rehearsal...






Monday, May 30, 2011

A trail of sweat

Well, good and bad news. I managed to complete 8.4k today non-stop. Good news is I could go the distance, bad news is the pressure was still there and the pain was threatening to flare up as the distance increased. As if every kilometre the pressure was going up a notch until a certain point where it would just explode. I don't know, this might be normal. I am slowly recovering I hope. From the start where I could only do 2K. Now at least I'm doing 8K. But I am sure running really slowly. I also tried adapting to forefoot running. It is tough the change my running style as I have to focus and keep reminding myself to land forefoot but I think it's better than heel strike. My calf muscles are killing my now but it's normal since I've never ran this way before.

Really hope I can do 42K end of this year. I just have to take it easy, tone down on the running frequency and learn from my mistakes last year, which is over training and heel striking. Today was a positive result. Let me recover, and hopefully Friday I will try another 8K and see if there's improvement. I hope that I'm on the right track to recovery, and really really pray I don't hit a wall or that my ITB forbids me to clock long mileage ever again. Fingers crossed.

Today is what, day 10 of Ops LabMONSTER? I've been taking in whey, albeit inconsistently. But I guess I shouldn't go overboard if I'm not training everyday. Just take on training days and I'll be fine.

This week's gonna be a tough week ahead. I wanna blog now that I want it to be tough. I want this week to train my mental and physical strength. I want to come out, enjoy the Friday and Saturday knowing the worst for the month is over. Weird.

Will be staying in till' Friday I guess. Hope I get through without any shit happening.


Countdown to ORD: 6 months..

Sunday, May 29, 2011

In a dreamy, sleepy land

Well, I went for the Sundown Marathon after all. Did not participate, but went there as a supporter for my friends but more importantly, the watch the champions league final. Which Man Utd lost. Don't really want to recap on it, they got owned by the best team in the world now.

Anyway to say that experiencing the whole Sundown marathon fiesta really got me fired up again is an understatement. I actually felt uncomfortable and out of place being their as a mere supporter and not running. Great man, I have the motivation to run again. So it's running for me, after all.

But how do I overcome this freaking ITB problem? I guess for starters I am going to totally change my way of running and embrace this 'Newton Running' orforefoot strike. The explanation for forefoot strike is sensible, and I really believe it can bring me to the next level, injury free. Heel striking caused my ITB, coupled with my excessive training and over striding, I have no doubt.

I don't know or care if my ITB will heal soon enough, but I will register for Stan Chart anyway. I'm not going to miss it for the world, and if my ITB strike, I will still force myself to walk finish. But really, my ultimate aim is to run fast again. To beat my peers. Right now, seems like they are improving fast! A few of them just ran at Sundown FM/HM with great timings and one even beat my 5:04 by 56 secs!! So for my running buddies, they are definitely catching up. Which means I have to turn up the gas and work even harder to recover and improve my overall form.

Is the Four Hour marathon possible this year on SCSM 2011? Or will I crumble yet again? The next few months will be indicative. We'll see.

On another note, screw the whole uni application and my 'future' my now. I don't have to unnecessarily stress myself. I will think about it, but I don't like blogging about my studies and my 'future' etc.

Please let me RUN..!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Peaceful Times...

It is indeed peaceful times for me. Yes the past few months have been extremely hectic, but at least I am not signing extra or doing SOL. Those days were draining. I've said before, the honeymoon days are over. It was over since March or Apr. I knew it was over when I could no longer chain offs. Either cos' of parades, lack of manpower, functions, events, duties, platoon meetings, induction, rehearsals, AHM training etc etc. And now the Istana is going through a complete overhaul with the new system, and the specs being doubly anal with us, life's can only get tougher, I forsee. I am ok with this, as long as they don't bother me too much, they don't mark me, they don't arrow me. Tough schedule -- okay, but I am sick of punishments and redundant meetings and discipline talks etc.

Going to see my physio in a bit. Didn't manage to get a run as I woke up late. Guess it must have been the NDP rehearsal and weights -- they took a toll on my body. Quite negative right now about my leg, but I can't skip the session so we will just go and see what he has to say.

I am definitely looking forward to a double free weekend. The first in don't know how many weeks. Ain't no way some bitch gonna call me for last minute activation/change duty, N-O NO! Because of CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL, sundown weekend and I NEED a break. Hopefully Monday I can clear off but 90% no cos' they are being anal on status personnel. Say u love it..

Anyway after physio might be heading straight to camp for platoon meeting (again). Then have to stay in for second last duty of the month...I'm sad. But the weekend is coming..!!!


It is sad, but I just discovered an effective ITB stretch an hour ago. This is after months of suffering and going through useless rehab. I think the physio don't really think my condition is serious. He is just massaging and doing 'uv scanning' which I think is useless. And the stretch he taught was pretty useless, to be honest. Hell, in the first place he didn't even tell me my diagnosis. When I told him I suspected ITBS he acknowledged but didn't confirm it. I think that's quite unprofessional and I feel that he thinks that I may be 'chao keng' or that my problem was minor.

Going to public hospitals or physiotherapy for running injuries is useless. The only way is to find private clinics, certified orthopedics etc.

So tomorrow is hopefully my last physio session before I can stop going since it's useless anyway. I'd much rather bank on doing my own stretches learnt from youtube than waste time and $ on people who don't care. Well, that's life.

So it's what, day 5 of Ops LabMONSTER. I ain't gonna post anymore stuff, I'm going to lift some weights and drink some whey now.

Tomorrow hopefully I get in a 10K run in the morning before going to NUH.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What Once Was.

Today marks the 5th day of "Ops LabMONSTER". Training is going on slowly as I have duties the past few days. I've tried to squeeze in some time to lift weights but I guess if I really want REAL results then I better start finding time to hit the gym.

Fking hell my internet connection got cancelled and now I'm just surviving on portable modem which is pathetic. Oh man...

Hopefully we can get some runs and gym sessions by the end of the week since I'm quite free already, expect Friday duty.

I don't know if my ITBS has completely healed, I don't think so. But I'm not going to be controlled by it anymore. The next run is going to be 10K and if it hurts so fking be it cos' I'm going to run until my leg breaks. I'm sick of this hibernating lifestyle.

I'm entering a world of hurt.

No, I'm already in a world of hurt man.

It ain't ending anytime soon...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Because I'm serving my country...

Day 2 of Ops LabMONSTER. Did not take any whey today, cos' the tub was in camp and timing was very inconvenient. But I did eat quite a lot I think, from the feast during the cabinet swearing in at Istana.

Sucks to book in on a Saturday afternoon. Especially when you go out and see people, people my age dressing nicely and going out to have fun. Instead, I am carrying my uniform and heading to camp. Why? Cos' I have to do MPIA for the cabinet swearing in today. Have to serve my country.

Today's MPIA experience was quite positive. Initially I feared that there'll be screw ups esp with new guys doing, but they did ok. I'm just glad me myself did not screw up and I'm quietly proud of the fact that I have gotten over the nervousness when I first started doing MPIA. Cos' I'm a lao jiao son...

Anyway maybe I should've taken the whey. But one day doesn't hurt. I've brought the whole tub back home; I think I can prepare easier that way.

Tomorrow we will definitely resume training and whey intake. I'm thinking of a 10K run. But fk I need to make a trip down to expo for e race pack collection early in the morning. What a chore. But at least I've sold the slot.

Tomorrow's going to be a long day. Good or bad, up to me. Have to wake up early...

Friday, May 20, 2011

The First Day

Ok blog I have started taking the whey powder today. Total of 3 scoops mix with water. Taste like crap. It was too sweet and medicine like...

Somehow I don't think I'll see any difference after one month but I'll just have to wait and see. At least I have not waste time and started already. So Day 1 is over.

I have tried to lift weights but Detail 3 totally screwed up my schedule, so I just did a substandard session. Better than nothing, right?

The thought of having to drink this crap for next month and possibly further is sickening, but if it yields results then I'm ok with it.

Of course, I may turn fat but that's just the risk. Anyway it's not like I'm not lifting weights so I think I'll get my desired outcome.

We will see.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


There are many times I blogged that I'm going to start bulking up, but every time I try, there are no results. Not that I didn't try, but it's impossible if I don't take supplement.

So this time, I am fed up enough to just give it a go. I've gotten half a tube of whey isolate and I'm gonna start using. And if results don't show after one month of this training and eating, then I am really a failure in bodybuilding.

Show I take pics? Hm, it would be the most effective way, but I am kind of sick of taking pics. Unless there's really changes.

Hopefully after this period my chin up will increase and of course the ultimate aim is to become bigger.

I think I will start with 30 days for the transformation. One month is damn short for significant changes but if I train hard and take the whey consistently, there should at least be visible changes.

Well enough of the talk, time for some work.

Will update whenever possible.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


I should be back to joining races soon if my ITB has really healed. The rehab seems to be working, but I haven't really run at a competitive level yet so I can't accurately gauge if I'm 100%. It's better to progress slowly though. Anyway the aim is to make it for AHM and Stan Chart...

Wtf is happening to the platoon nowadays...why so much pressure and unnecessary conflicts.. I guess with SAF Day and NDP coming, and two unhappy specs, the pressure is building up on everyone. The honeymoon days are indeed over. The worst thing is that I fear this guy may become somebody I hate...he is being a damn nuisance to the platoon..

Speaking of which I have to book in tonight for duty, then Sun to Tue consecutive...Ah can you feel the heat. (Literally I can)

Saving up for the targeted $5000 balance when I ORD is going well, with just short of $4K now (including gov $700). At this rate I might even reach $6K! I have become quite fond of saving up since my SOL days; watching my bank balance grow month after month is quite shiok. Best thing is that even though I have the extra $700, I don't have the mentality to want to splurge on stuff. In fact, it has made me want to save up even more.

Haix whatever time to go.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kvlt/Trve: The Revival?

Am I back for good?

First n foremost, I was on a hiatus for so long because I lost it. No more motivation to blog. My life has become dull and boring. (Yea, it was never that interesting anyway) If you saw my last post, "Lab goes to jail", you would know.

I was reading my previous entries and I decided that I couldn't just throw away this blog after spending so much time building it. Sure, there's not much readers but there are a lot of experiences inside which makes me realise the importance of keeping record of your life.

It's been what, 3 whole months since I posted. A lot of changes happened. The most obvious one would be the SOL episode (tt's where I went to 'jail') for bringing camera phone. Lesser said the better. What about the 360 degree change in my character in Istana? Or my ITB injury, which is still recovering (on physio now). Due to this, I have totally put away my races, INCLUDING 100K SUNDOWN ULTRA until my knee heals. I am going back to races soon, though. During this period I have also tried to bulk up to little success. But I hope there are changes, however subtle. Also I have tried out more daring stuff with my Istana platoon mates.

One thing that really started was the fact I started praying. To whom, I don't know. I would say it's my inner voice. But at least, it keeps me sane and I know I have something to rely on. At the same time I tried quitting Black Metal. It has worked relatively well, but I really do not know if it's best for me. Seems like without rage and depression, I have become a shell of myself lately. I have become worse, much worse especially if you ask my platoon mate.

Istana life is really shitty now, and might get worse when the mount-standby new system commences next month. I am already so called a lao jiao now but realistically there's still a long way. The next big event for me is doing MPIA for NDP. Get over that and we can start the ORD celebrations. Just 6 months...

Took n passed BTT also, now looking towards FTT and practical. But where to find the money?

There are lots more stuff to say, but right now, the priority is



Thank you.

*Btw I just had to post this*-- one year ago I said that "烟花易冷" was just average and 'nothing special'. Well by the magic of Jay Chou, I have totally fell in love with this masterpiece after realising it's inner beauty beneath the "normal chorus". It is one of my favourite and most repeated tracks right now...

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